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The Absolute Best Products to improve your hair and preserve it, believe in this

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Hey there. Just wanted to offer you guys some products that are the absolute best for rejuvenating your scalp, hair, hair quality, and strength.

First off Id like to recommend that all natural products are very beneficial to people with sensitive scalps. People with hair concerns, usually are not looking for harsh chemicals to use. All these products are virtually all natural.



Sante Bar Soap

This product is a miracle worker. What it does is dry up any extra oil on your scalp and fortify the roots of your hair. In one use you will feel great results. It also improves the look of your hair. It recommends to rub the bar soap on your scalp, obviously you dont want to do that. Just lather the soap in your hands and then apply to scalp, like shampoo. Use only in spots you need to. Then rinse, and shampoo. They have a hair fortifying shampoo on the site as well. I recommend using that only for spots you need, and use another all natural shampoo for the rest of your hair.Try their green tea one for regular use.


TheraNeem Shampoo

These are also really great shampoo/conditioners to improve your hair and scalp quality.Neem is amazing. Try the scalp therape selection.


Rosemary Hair Mist

Another miracle product. This hair mist is non-greasy, and contains essential oils that stimulate your scalp and hair growth. They also improve strength and look of your hair.


Neem hair lotion

This product works awesome as well. Contains nettle,neem,calendula. Regulates scalp oil and repairs your scalp. Improves hair stength and density.


Also, I highly recommend using an Avacado as a mask for your hair and scalp at least once a week. Just crush up some avacado with a fork, massage it in your hair for 15 mins and shampoo. You could even add herbal powders like bhringaraj to make it more powerful.


Heres a few quick links to other all natual high quality hair products.

All natural Thickening Shampoo

Audra Herbals


Look into the herbs nettle,bhringaraj,horsetail,burdock,rosemary for teas. Drink the teas, they will help. Also do a little research on the Pitta Dosha. Cool your body. Nourish who you are. This aids hair.


Heres the big wrap up. To take care of your hair, you need to take care of all the aspects. First off, you should always be taking a multi-vitamin to get your hair its nutrients. Buy a good expensive one at a health store. I also recommend taking the herbs bhringaraj or he shou wu. Try www.dragonherbs.com for their healthy hair nutrients.

Use the Sante bar soap to fortify your scalp.

Use all natural shampoos listed above or others, to nourish your scalp/hair.

Use topical treatments (rosemary spray/neem lotion) daily or whenever to aid your hair.

If your going to use some sort of oil, use one with herbs added to it. Not just plain sesame oil for example. Use Alma oil, or bhringaraj oil.

And if you use oils, just use enough to get ur finger tips damp and after you massage it, you cant tell that your hair is oily. Any more than that is too much. Shampoo after a half hour or so.

Massage your scalp, twice daily. You need circulation. Tap your scalp all over with fingertips for 1-2 minutes. Then place your palm on your scalp gently and gently circular massage your scalp, press down so your scalp is moving over the bone, not just your hair.


Stay out of the mirror. When you want to take a look, just imagine in your mind your hair getting healthy and beautiful and use those emotions. Be thankful for your hair. These are the biggest secrets of all. Have you forgotten that? You have the power.


Your diet is huge!!! Alkaline your body! I absolutely recommend drinking 2 glasses a day, of high quality wheat grass powder. It will help regulate your scalp and body.


Follow these steps, you will surely improve your hair quality and its growth immensly.


I will not be replying to this post, if you have any questions or feedback from using these tips my email is miraclesarereal77@yahoo.com


Best of luck, My love to your hair.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

a) can this be moved into the natural tree-hugging section please?


and b) just for the record, natural REALLY doesn't mean harmless, natural products can be just as bad for your hair, or just as useless ans synthetic/drug options.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Regular Member

Yep, people tend to forget poison ivy is "natural"


I wonder who is going to start rubbing those leaves on their heads..

First transplant with karamikian 6/05, less than 1000 to my hairline, result was mediocre at best.

2nd HT with Feller 2/08, 3000+ to my front third.

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