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Aged Face Thanks To Propecia


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Anyone's face aged very quickly due to Propecia? Mine has aged significantly after 4 months of using Propecia daily. I am 56, looked 38-40 I was told by everyone all the time, until 4 months of Propecia made me look closer to my age. Woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and bam, what happened? I stopped taking it, then started again, with major shedding, MAJOR, and face aging, again.

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How did it affect your skin on your face? And how did Propecia respond to your hair? Explain I hope I can help. How long have you been taking it and at what age did you start? When did your hair loss start? You said you stopped taking it! How long was that break for?

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I am currently almost 57 yrs old.

I started loosing my hair very, very slowly maybe 20 years ago, and around 3 years ago it accelerated greatly, then over the past year, handfuls have come out a few times, and currently, I notice less hair each day. Now, finally, even my friends say, yes, you are loosing your hair and it has become very noticeable.


I first tried Rogain foam for a few days and it made hair fall out, and so I stopped.


I then tried Propecia in 2008, and it seemed to have stopped, or slowed down my hair loss. My dermatologist said my hair seems stronger, and so I continued taking Propecia, but then after the 4th month I woke up one day, looked in the mirror; "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!"


I have been told all through my 50s that I look 40; that I had a very youthful appearance, but that morning, at age 55, my eyes had bags and some dark circles that I did not have the previous evening, and jowls developed around my mouth, looking swollen, and my face overall seemed to be falling, aging years, overnight.


I stopped taking the Propecia.


After about a month or so, my hair started to fall out faster than ever. Now I am really loosing my hair.


I started Propecia again for 3 months, and finally the hair loss slowed down, then I stopped again, as my face again took another hit of aging .


My hair loss then became over the top.


I have now been back on Propecia for 2 months, as I am torn between my face and hair, but do I want, can I afford, rto be on a pill at the cost of $80/mo for tjhe rest of my life, with the side affects of my face aging and, yes, significant shrinkage.


Moral of this story is, I should not have listened to my dermatologist. My hair loss was very slow, my face looked at least 10 years younger than my real age, all before this viscous cycle I entered into with Propecia. I have no idea which way to go, and with my hair line receding greatly, this also adds 10 years to my age.


On a good hair day, when my frontal hair line can be combed over, I so look more like me, and my day is so much more productive. I am so angry at the dermatologist and myself.

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This is interesting. I commented on this a long time ago and felt that I had observed a similar thing. I do happen to know that there are obscure links between subcutaneous fat and DHT/T ratio. I feel pretty sure there is a link however, like you I felt in the same position, hair or face? I chose hair. I have never stopped taking fin so I cannot comment on stopping and starting.

Just a few questions;

1) Were there any times when you stopped taking it for several days before the first time you noticed any aging of the face?

2) In the month in which you got off finasteride, did you notice any improvement to your skin?

3) Did you at any point research into the side effects of propecia (especially on propeciahelp.com). If so at what point?





PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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was overt.


2. When I stopped for a month, my face seemed to possibly become less drawn out looking, but the damage it has caused remained. It aged my face 10 years in 4 months of use, and was noticed by me one morning, like waking up to a blizzard, it was overt.


3. Yes, after the aging I went to that site and read a similar posts, and stated by one poster that photos of his aging were deleted by the webmaster. I also received a few emails of others stating their face aged as well.

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Though I would agree with other posts, that it is highly unlikely that propecia is the cause of the changes to your face, loss of fatty tissue under the skin is likely the sole cause of such rapid ageing. Have you lost a lot of weight recently? Changed your diet? Started or stopped smoking? Feel dehydrated? I reckon a trip to the doctor might be in order.

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I will say propecia can give you fatty tissue somewhere on your body. Could that be a link between protein build up? Propecia has given me belly fat in my mid section No doubt about it! This post really explains a lot. I too should never have touched my hair with a product. I believe my hair would have been better off. But! Those are some strong words, and I still do not know if Propecia could work. I do know Minox is not for me, but is for some, Temporary of course. Maybe Propecia has helped someone and the FDA isn't full of cacka. I will wait for my conclusion.


In this subject of post, I do not believe propecia caused me to aged face. But if it did drie skin out, could you put avon on? Or wash with dove soap or sometime? One way to find out is too document or audit your journey with the FDA approved drug propecia. Do you have pictures you can look back on the exact date you started and progressed? You couldnt put them on here if you even wanted to because this site I do not believe has a descent picture java loader.


Sorry such a long reply.

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AuthorTopic: Aged Face Thanks To Propecia



>Though I would agree with other posts, that it is highly unlikely that propecia is the cause of the changes to your face, loss of fatty tissue under the skin is likely the sole cause of such rapid ageing. Have you lost a lot of weight recently? Changed your diet? Started or stopped smoking? Feel dehydrated? I reckon a trip to the doctor might be in order.<


Yes it did. Go read a previous post from a Dr who states that a drug prior to Propecia can cause this. Diet and lifestyle exactly the same as pre Propecia. 4 months of that stiff and one morning, OUCH. And yes, been to the doc and he said he wouldn't take Propecia.


For those who think they know better than the victims of Propecia, and continue to stick by their opinions; your opinions are all based on non facts, and therefore do not count, as you are in the dark on this very serious issue, unlike myself and all those who fell victim to this drug, Propecia.


And yes, I agree with the poster who wrote that he developed belly fat, as it has put nvery noiticable weight on my stomach, that goes away after I stop taking Propecia for a month so more, then returns once I start up again.


Us victims know the truth about what Propecia has done to us. The naysyers do not, and your opinions are not valid one bit.


For those who have had Propecia work wonderfully for them, right on to you. But for those that it has not, these are both 2 valid groups. I am in the group that Propecia has messed up.

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