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Post op and meds???

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  • Senior Member

Why do people take meds after having a H/T. for eg, there are people on the forum who were intially a 5/6 NWS who opted for a h/t and then start to take meds??? I was under the impression you only took these meds if you had hair to salvage, but if youve lost all your hair and then had a H/T why the meds .Sorry guys im a little confused can somebody maybe shed some light on this issue.



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  • Senior Member

The same physiological effect that occurs on the atrophic hair on the scalp, occurs to the non-atrophic hair growing in the donor zone. (If you ever took finasteride and minoxidil, you would realize, that hair at the sides and the back, would begin to grow and thicken even more than without the use of medication.)


So, once these hair are transplanted to the top of the scalp, the effect continues, in that these non-atrophic hair, can continue to grow even thicker than without the use of medication.


It is a misconception that non-atrophic hair does not thin.


RE-READ that.


Non-atrophic hair does thin just as atrophic hair.


Except non-atrophic hair is not suspectible to the deleterious action of DHT, but it does loose mass over time and minoxidil, if not finasteride can aid in maintaining thickeness.

take care...



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  • Senior Member

I think med can prevent further hair loss, If someone who is young and is a NW 5 or early 6, meds can prevent the hair from further loss towards becoming a serious NW 6 or perhaps NW 7. Some of them just want to hold on to their native hairs as long as possible.

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