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bald head == brilliant mind???

Mr. GQ

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  • Senior Member

are we (us boldies) still being perceived as "wiser than others?


watch this video and you decide:


the cartoon character has interesting balding pattern (nw5 or 6??)


what's even more interesting and baffling is the point of this video.


5 star rating well deserved.


can't wait until they fire up LHC (way overdue btw)!

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  • Senior Member

are we (us boldies) still being perceived as "wiser than others?


watch this video and you decide:


the cartoon character has interesting balding pattern (nw5 or 6??)


what's even more interesting and baffling is the point of this video.


5 star rating well deserved.


can't wait until they fire up LHC (way overdue btw)!

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  • Senior Member
Its not a very deatiled cartoon, making him bald was probbly the only way they coiuld communicate that he's old.


yeah i know what you saying but it's not just this case there are lots of others that i also see with these kinds of things. just check out commercials with keeping this in mind and you'll see. there is one that's playing every day here in canada on every channel where a NW7 guy goes to the bank and talks to his bank manager about his financial issues just to point one plus there are lots more just watch??¦??¦


"Reading too much into this." -- sorry didn't get it.

you study quantum physics???



so the point is:

"don't believe everything you see"

"parallel universe"?

"string theory"?

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the only exception that I can think of for now is Homer Simpson.


but if you really think about it:

*works in a nuclear plant ??“ genius!

*always kicks Bart's ass when deserved ??“ way to go!

*a family man that loves his wife and kids ??“ awesome!

*drinks a lot but never gets caught drunk driving - strategic!

*drinks a lot but never beats his wife or kids because of it - a class act!

*to wash his car he waits for the rain to do it ??“ lol!


in the famous words of RTC: "more to come as I think of them" icon_wink.gif

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Hahaha...funny stuff.....GQ stands for "gentleman's quarterly", alluding to the men's high-brow magazine, I assume.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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thana my name has got nothing to do with that magazine.


Mr. GQ in general means a guy that is always well dressed no matter the occasion just like yours truly icon_smile.gif

Mr. GQ is someone that your girlfriend would like to bang but would keep that a secret from you icon_biggrin.gif

Mr. GQ is basically a pimp, player, and a hustler all mixed in one icon_cool.gif

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