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How short can I cut my hair after a FUE transplant?

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I'm a 28 year old man with heavy hair loss, and these days I'm doing a lot of research to prepare myself for a HT. I'm a 5 or 6 on the Norwood scale, and I aim to get more hair on the front of my head. I'm willing to leave a bald spot in the back if necessary. Because of this, I want to cut my hair as short as possible after a HT, but I'm curious as to how short I can cut it? Would it be possible to cut it down to 1mm for example?

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I agree with Spex - you may not be able to shave your hair very very short with FUE, depending on the quality of your surgeon, and how well you react as a patient. If it goes right for you, however, there are cases where people can get away with very short hair afterwards


Having had both a large FUE and a large FUT I am in a great position to let you know that you will certainly be able to have your hair shorter with FUE than you could with FUT - even immediately after my FUE it was the FUT scar which was the more obvious problem - and I've got quite a thin scar.


While most surgeons tend to agree that FUE yield is slightly lower, the developing consensus amongst those doctors who are the best with FUE (in my opinion) is that it doesn't have to be significantly lower if done right.


If you do get FUE, you should be prepared for the possibility of not being able to have your hair cut very very short, but 'quite' short should be no problem for the majority of cases, particularly if you go to one of the best, who in my opinion right now are Rahal, Shapiro, and Feriduni. So long as you have realistic expectations and recognise that possibility you should be fine.

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Thanks a lot for your replies guys. Really appreciate it =)


If I could cut it down to grade one (3 mm) I would be satisfied. If I could get close to the way Jason Statham look I would be happy (muscles not included =). I guess people would still call him bald, but at least he has some hair at the front and he can avoid being all shiny up front.


As mentioned before, I'm very bald so I want to remove a lot of hair (probably at least 4000 hair follicles). Would you advise me to not take a FUE hair transplant due to the scaring if I want to transfer so many hairs?


I will check out Rahal, Shapiro and Feriduni MPBSucks4545. I live in Norway, so I would prefer to do it in Europe.

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  • Senior Member
Would you advise me to not take a FUE hair transplant due to the scaring if I want to transfer so many hairs?


I live in Norway, so I would prefer to do it in Europe.


Check out Jose Lorenzo in Madrid.

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It depends on many factors, such as your donor density, hair type & colour etc. 4,000 is a lot to be extracted by FUE in a single sitting, it may or may not be possible for you.


The best thing you can do is head over to Belgium and consult with Dr Feriduni and Dr Bisanga, who are regarded as some of the finest FUE surgeons internationally. They will be able to measure your donor density and give you better advice than all of us can.


I saw a recent case by SMG (Shapiro) where they combined FUE with SMP (Scalp Micro Pigmentation) - you should definitely check that case out and give it some consideration if you want the Statham look.

Edited by England
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