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Everything posted by yokaba271

  1. Great post spex. Something to think about. Azazelgs, when I read your post, it was almost as reading about my own life. You are definitely not the only one having these thoughts. I've been loosing my hair since I was 18 (I'm 28 now) and I'm also a NW 5 or 6. I'm focused on my hair loss all the time, and I also feel so angry when I see my friends concerned with "normal" things like girls, concerts, trips etc, while all I'm concerned with is my hair loss. It feels like it's my own fault and that I'm weird. It also pisses me off when people with hair tells me I shouldn't focus on it, and just accept it. How can they now how it feels? Anyways, don't want to be too negative here. Just wanted to let you know that there are other people out there in the same situation.
  2. Thanks a lot for your replies guys. Really appreciate it =) If I could cut it down to grade one (3 mm) I would be satisfied. If I could get close to the way Jason Statham look I would be happy (muscles not included =). I guess people would still call him bald, but at least he has some hair at the front and he can avoid being all shiny up front. As mentioned before, I'm very bald so I want to remove a lot of hair (probably at least 4000 hair follicles). Would you advise me to not take a FUE hair transplant due to the scaring if I want to transfer so many hairs? I will check out Rahal, Shapiro and Feriduni MPBSucks4545. I live in Norway, so I would prefer to do it in Europe.
  3. Hi, I'm a 28 year old man with heavy hair loss, and these days I'm doing a lot of research to prepare myself for a HT. I'm a 5 or 6 on the Norwood scale, and I aim to get more hair on the front of my head. I'm willing to leave a bald spot in the back if necessary. Because of this, I want to cut my hair as short as possible after a HT, but I'm curious as to how short I can cut it? Would it be possible to cut it down to 1mm for example?
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