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Dr. Lindsey 2500 up front repair case McLean VA

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This fellow drove up from the deep south for a repair case and spent a week with us in McLean. He’d had an unsatisfactory case previously and had what looked like a sparse, mini-grafted hairline and an average scar. He opted to have me take as much hair as possible, and sew up to his old scar. That was the better choice as he has fairly fine hairs, and he’s not as dense in his donor region as I’d have liked.

Shown are day of surgery and day 7 pics. He says he’ll add pictures as things start to grow. He was a really nice fellow and fortunately our musical interests are quite similar. Turns out I had an extra ticket to Van Halen while he was here, but I didn’t have his cell number to invite him at the last minute.

Dr. Lindsey McLean VA




















William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I drove up to McLean from the very deep Southeastern part of the U.S.. I felt like I had done my homework over the last 6 months in finding a qualified surgeon to perform surgery to repair an older hair transplant that I had. Let me first say that from the beginning up until the day I am typing this, Dr. Lindsey is readily available should I have any questions or concerns. Dr Lindsey is a straight forward person that will not simply tell you what you want to hear. He will tell you the straight facts of your situation whether it may good or bad. But that is what I wanted, was honest feedback from my doctor and that is what Dr. Lindsey gave me. When I arrived in the lovely little city of McLean I went over the day before the surgery and met with Dr. Lindsey. He took a look at my situation first hand and we put a game plan together on what goals that I had and what goals were actually realistic. Personally my main goal was to conceal and blend the old school plugs. This seemed like an obtainable goal after our consultation. I went in the next morning. I took the valium and felt very relaxed. Doc injected some shots into the back of my head and proceeded to take the strip out of the donor area. This was relatively painless. Doc was very attentive to my pain tolerance in making sure that I was comfortable. I then went into surgical room and Doc made the incisions for the hair grafts. He and his great staff started the process of carefully placing the grafts in the incisions Doc had made and this went on for about 5 hours. They were also very attentive to any pain that I may have had. And let me say also, his entire staff are very nice people and I had great conversations with them during this entire process. Afterwards I went back to my hotel room, which was literally across the street from his office. The next morning I went back to Doc's office and he personally checked me out. He made it clear to call or come to his office anytime that I needed to while I was in McLean. I just decided to stay in my hotel room for a few days . The hotel is located right next door to a nice grocery store and several restaurants, so everything was very convenient. After my week in McLean, I went by and had my stitches removed from the donor area. I was given a set of directions that explained to me how to care for myself over the next couple of weeks. Also the lovely Wendy gave me a great hair cut before I left the office. Basically I feel like with what I had to offer in regards to donor hair, that all goals should be achieved in regards to concealing and blending the plugs that I had previously gotten. The man thing that I will say about Doc is that he is a hands on doctor that makes himself always available to his patients. He is very genuine and really wants to help his patients enjoy a better quality of life. He is not only my doc, but I now consider him a friend. I would highly reccommend Dr. Lindsey for this procedure. I am very excited about what the future holds for me in regards to new hair growth. I will send some pics to doc whenever I get some movement on new hair growth. If you are a guy like me that has been pondering with this idea for years, I would say , just do it. You are not getting any younger. I wish I would have done this a few years ago. Please feel free to ask any questions and I will try to answer to the best of my ability. Take care

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21 days after surgery and I just noticed that the top of my head felt a little coarse and I look in the mirror with reader glasses and a flashlight and I could see the tiny hair shafts popping through. It was tough to see with naked eye, so I gave the readers a try and sure enough I could see the little tips of hair. I know that I am not telling anything that you dont already know, I just thought I would give my progression of the surgery to any new folks considering this option for hair loss. The donor area steadily continues to improve in regards to tightness, soreness and any general discomfort, on a 100% scale of discomfort, I am about 35% discomfort now 21 days out from surgery, this is starting to improve on a daily basis. I have kept that area clean and have been applying vitamin E cream to the scar on a semi regular basis. I will take a picture at 30 days and post for you guys. As for right this minute, nothing really to post that you cant already see.

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Hey Countryboy


I was in Nashville this weekend to run the rock and roll marathon and I saw van halen again. 2 of my med school friends couldn't make it and if I'd have had your number I'd have called you to come up and join us.


Dr. L

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Nashville is a nice town..Awesome...I saw Van Hagar back in the day and whats funny, I saw David Lee Roth on tour about a year later when he was solo...I just havent been able to put Van Halen and David Lee Roth together yet to watch the real Van Halen.. Im sure it was a great time..Tell all of the folks at your office I said hello..Hey Doc, Ive also lost 11 pounds since youve seen me...The decision I made to repair the bad hair transplant that I had has helped motivate me to change my lifestyle in regards to my overall health. That is how powerful this surgery can be to a person's self esteem. I just want to encourage guys that are teetering with this to just go for it. Dont sit around for years and wait like I did. Do your homework and make an educated choice on your surgeon based on feedback from these forums. Forums like this have been so valuable in helping me make my decision. I put several months worth of research into this and decided on Dr Lindsey. I did not know Dr. Lindsey before this surgery but I walked into his office confident that I had done my homework. So far, I have nothing but good things to say about Dr. Lindsey. Even though I say all of this about Dr. Lindsey, I completely understand and acknowledge that there are many great hair restoration surgeons across the United States. Do your homework and find a surgeon and change your life. I decided when I had this surgery I wanted to make myself available to just average old guys that might have a question. Please dont hesitate to ask me anything about the surgery or the recovery process and I will answer to the best of my ability. I hope all of you have a great week.. take care ......

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