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  • Regular Member

Hey guys looking for some help and advice. I started losing my hair at the temples at around 18 at the time i was lifting weights quite heavily and taking testosterone pills and creatine. I received a hair tranplant when i was 21 to fill in my receding hairline. Since then i have never taking testosterone or any other bodybuilding supps how ever i have been taking hlcc script dht blocker i only have half a tablet a day it says to take two a day. Two years have past since my ht and i have had no further hair loss what so ever. I have no mpb in my family at all. I also weny through a time of stress and depression in my late teens. My question is what could of caused my hair to fall out when i was younger and now it has completly stopped or could it be the half a tablet a day of dht blocker i take. I want to stop taking the dht blocker to see what happenes but i am scared it will start my hair to recede again.

  • Senior Member

most people say that doing heavy body building does not affect hair loss. I believe it does to some extent. Doing alot of weights increases testosterone in the body. More testosterone would mean more of it can turn to DHT which affects hair.


Its a well known historical fact castrated (testicles cut off) men dont go through male pattern baldness. Its because there is no testosterone from testicles.


I think since you took supplements, it increased your testosterone levels ALOT and meant more DHT to your hair. So heavy body building doesn't "cause" hair loss, but i think it can surely accelerate the process if your genetics are susceptible to it. And since you dont take any testosterone enhancing pills anymore, your hair loss situation has stabilized. And ofcourse the DHT blocker helps too.


Just my opinion and observations. I could be wrong.

  • Senior Member

It could just be that your hairloss is on hiatus for a while. Sometimes the balding process can begin and then stop and not get any worse for many years. Some guys have only minor hairloss at middle age despite noticing that they were losing hair in their late teens.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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