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Hello all, New to the forum and just had some questions. Hoping some people out there with knowledge will send their opinions, feedback. Just to give you some background info on me. I am 31 and had 1 transplant a few years ago when I was 27. In my first surgery I received around 1600 follicualr units with total number of hairs coming in at around 2,950. Before this I was receding a bit nicely in front and minimal thinning in the back of the head which really wasn't noticable, therefore, most of the work was done reestablishing a hairline and adding a bit to other areas (mostly towards the front). My overall lifetime donor supply was approx. 7000 grafts prior to the treatment. My density is approx. 70 follicles/Sq. CM. The laxity to my scalp is (on a scale of 1 to 5) approx a-4 (Well this was the case a few years ago but I am not sure if your scalp gets more lax as the years go on after surgery?). The length and height of my donor strip was 20cm long and a varying height of 1.1 to 1.2 CM. I have been on propecia since 2005 and feel like I have had good results and so far hairloss has stabilized to a degree or definitely slowed down (thinned maybe a little but no bald spots yet). Although my hair looks fuller with nice coverage when it is dry and styled a certain way, when my hair is completely wet/spiked upward and I look at an ariel view of my head I can see what has thinned and what hasn't. It looks as if I wasn't taking propecia and didn't have any more transplants in the years to come I may turn out to between a NW5a/NW6a but closer to a NW5a.


Although I know my hair has thinned compared to how it used to be (I used to have a nice, thick head of hair) I understand what HTs can accomplish. I guess I am just looking for advice from someone knowledgeable and would like some feedback based on the information provided. Other background family information includes my father losing his hair. Although my father's brother has thinned he still has a good amount of hair in his mid 60's. My older brother who is approaching 40 has thinned a bit but still has a nice amount of hair left. At 31 I am trying to be conservative hence the reason I have really not made a move with another HT. I had a good experience with my first doctor who was great and everyone that knows I've had an HT thinks the results are good including me. I was considering a 2nd although I would love to be able to wait until I am 35 (not sure how I will progress by then and what the future holds). Maybe eventually I can post pictures although it is more revealing to see results in real life (not in pictures). It would be great to meet and touch base with more people that have had HT's and get their opinions. I guess my concerns are my density (others out there with my density what can be achieved?) and my laxity (what will the scar look like after a few more procedures?). Maybe some people out there in a similiar situation can offer feedback as to what their experience is. Thanks for the time

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Hello all, New to the forum and just had some questions. Hoping some people out there with knowledge will send their opinions, feedback. Just to give you some background info on me. I am 31 and had 1 transplant a few years ago when I was 27. In my first surgery I received around 1600 follicualr units with total number of hairs coming in at around 2,950. Before this I was receding a bit nicely in front and minimal thinning in the back of the head which really wasn't noticable, therefore, most of the work was done reestablishing a hairline and adding a bit to other areas (mostly towards the front). My overall lifetime donor supply was approx. 7000 grafts prior to the treatment. My density is approx. 70 follicles/Sq. CM. The laxity to my scalp is (on a scale of 1 to 5) approx a-4 (Well this was the case a few years ago but I am not sure if your scalp gets more lax as the years go on after surgery?). The length and height of my donor strip was 20cm long and a varying height of 1.1 to 1.2 CM. I have been on propecia since 2005 and feel like I have had good results and so far hairloss has stabilized to a degree or definitely slowed down (thinned maybe a little but no bald spots yet). Although my hair looks fuller with nice coverage when it is dry and styled a certain way, when my hair is completely wet/spiked upward and I look at an ariel view of my head I can see what has thinned and what hasn't. It looks as if I wasn't taking propecia and didn't have any more transplants in the years to come I may turn out to between a NW5a/NW6a but closer to a NW5a.


Although I know my hair has thinned compared to how it used to be (I used to have a nice, thick head of hair) I understand what HTs can accomplish. I guess I am just looking for advice from someone knowledgeable and would like some feedback based on the information provided. Other background family information includes my father losing his hair. Although my father's brother has thinned he still has a good amount of hair in his mid 60's. My older brother who is approaching 40 has thinned a bit but still has a nice amount of hair left. At 31 I am trying to be conservative hence the reason I have really not made a move with another HT. I had a good experience with my first doctor who was great and everyone that knows I've had an HT thinks the results are good including me. I was considering a 2nd although I would love to be able to wait until I am 35 (not sure how I will progress by then and what the future holds). Maybe eventually I can post pictures although it is more revealing to see results in real life (not in pictures). It would be great to meet and touch base with more people that have had HT's and get their opinions. I guess my concerns are my density (others out there with my density what can be achieved?) and my laxity (what will the scar look like after a few more procedures?). Maybe some people out there in a similiar situation can offer feedback as to what their experience is. Thanks for the time

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  • Senior Member

Sounds like you're the one who should be giving advice; as you are obviously very knowledgeable about all this.


You didn't mention the doctor, but I'd go to one who will take into account your future loss. Believe it or not, when you get in your 40's it won't be all bad to be thinning a little; but you don't want to look weird because you tried at 30 for a full head of hair either.


Have you tried Dermmatch or Toppik? If your hair is only thin in certain lights or styles, this might help greatly.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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Thanks sor sending a shout. I have tried to learn what I can but sometimes it seems as though there is so much information to digest it can be a little overwhelming. Just doing my best to always make the best informed decisions. Yes, the doctor is great and does think of the long term. Just wanted to connect with others and gather feedback (sort of connect with a supportive group is nice).


Again, I am thinking about the long term. You hit the nail on the head... I would just like it to look natural in the future (I know it won't ever be the thickest head of hair)with decent coverage with continued use of propecia and more timely planned procedures. Thanks again Dewayne

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  • Senior Member

jtm624 - Well Dewayne said you sound like you've researched quite a bit already. A couple of points though. Genetics are not fair I have 2 cousins who are brothers with each other. One is 42 and is a NW1 the other is 32 and is an NW6, so what I am saying is don't rely too much on your brother/father as a model for where you are headed. Other than that usual standard advice don't bring the hairline forward from where the first surgery put it. Make sure you have donor reserves after the second surgery to cover the sides if they recede towards the ears. Consider whether you could afford to leave the crown altogether and certainly don't expect more than light coverage for the crown. By the way I am 32 and was a NW5 before my surgery so we have some similarities.

Best wishes

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