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  • Regular Member

hi guys,

102 days post op, and so far so good. i cant start to see hairs growing in the hair line and it is slow developing a hair line, hair seems to appear thicker in the recipient area.


however today, i scratched my scalp, and clump of transplanted hairs shed and came onto my fingers, id say about 3 time 2 single grafts (6 or so hairs total). they might of been only slightly longer in length compared to when they were first transplanted 14 weeks ago.


my question is, how far post op can shedding still occur? is this too late for shedding of transplanted hairs to occur? and if it does occur so far out does this indicate possible future poor growth for those late transplanted hairs that are shedding.?


another concern was that some of the hairs do not appear to have grown any longer but seem to have remained in my scalp the day they were planted. it could be that im wrong and they have already shed and regrown.


if anyone can shed some light for me and perhaps share there experience this far out post op


many thanks fellow trans planters



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