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  • Regular Member

I'm wonder is there anyone out there who had a ht and not happy? For younger patient who is nw 4-5. I'm sure they can't put in 5-6000 grafts and without proper planning if they will head to nw 6-7 in the future. I'm sure there are many people who are happy here and some are ht models but I'm sure there are many with see through hair. Is it wiser to keep a buzz cut without guard or shave it off? Or go for a ht and later when the hair loss progress shave it off with a scar at the back. I think ht is a commitment because if you are in you have to continue.

  • Senior Member

HT is an individual decision; some people will choose to shave, others want to restore their hair. Just be sure that if you do go the surgical route, you thoroughly research the different procedures available and choose a quality doc. If you come up with an appropriate plan, then there shouldnt be a need to shave your head off even if hair loss progresses.

  • Senior Member

I've had two transplants and am unhappy. That being said if I were totally bald I would be more unhappy. The problem that I ran into was that the doc's who worked on me had no plan at all for the future, they said I would need one and be done. That was not the case... It is imperative to have a realistic plan for the future and to set your goals accordingly.


With today's methods and a realistic plan your results should be very good in the hands of a top drawer surgeon and clinic.


Shaving was never an option for me as I has a knotty weirdly shaped head and would have looked like a sick puppy with it shaved. You do know that FUE will leave you with no linear scar right?


Do your research, talk to others, and make a decision based upon the right knowledge and your gut feeling. Maybe for you the right thing to do is to get on meds and see how things progress as you get older.

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