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Planning to have HT done by Dr.Path

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I am from India. I am 24 years old.

I have been following the posts on this forum since a year and I really have to thank you guys for making my search in finding a good doctor easy. I am planning to get my HT done by Dr.Path, Thailand. I have sent them a mail asking for details and I got a good reply. I had few more questions, which I have mailed them and I am still waiting for their reply.


Doctor details: Dr. Pathomvanich,



I am planning to get my HT done sometime in November. Initial analysis by doctor seeing my pics mentioned that I may need 2500+ grafts. I will post my pics soon.


If anyone has any suggestions / comments, please do let me know.


I will keep updating this post as and when I have more details to add.


Once again, thanks a lot.

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Originally posted by lookingforhelp@india:

Hi Bill,


Thank you for your response and adding more confidence for my decision of choosing Dr.Path.


Yes, I will surely post my updates on this forum.


hst, thanks for the wishes. In case you have some time, can you please give me some more details of your visit to Thailand, that will be really useful for me.


For my case, it's a pack & go situation. I book a airline but no hotel reservation. Take a cab from the airport to Silom @ the cost of 500 baht.(only if you choose to stay in Silom).Don't go to the counter to book a cab. They will give you a limousine & will cost you 1700 baht, which the mistake I'd made. Ask the cab to drop you at Silo Village Inn. It's a good & cheap place to stay. Only 1099 baht.


Take the sky train to Ari where you can reach Dr Path clinic. IF you love shopping, alight at Siam station where there are many shopping malls. I prefer MVK centre. Many good stuff there.


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Here are my pics - front and top view.

I have got good and prompt response from the doctor for all my queries. I am planning for a HT on November 24th.


His intial estimate was 2500+ grafts and he told me to get prepared for around 3000-3500 grafts, when I asked him the maximum number of grafts I need to get prepared for, as cost is an important factor for me.


Please let me know if you have any comments.


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Thanks for posting your photos. Though the quality of the pictures are quite low, it looks like you still have a lot of hair. What is the plan of attack? Are you focusing on the front only or are you also having work done in the crown?


I'm sure Dr. Pathomvanich has or will go over this with you but be aware of the potential dangers of transplanting hair in the crown too early. In the event a bald spot is filled in and it thins further, you could end up with a "halo" of bald scalp around a hair tuft.


The key to a successful hair transplant is to make the best use of your available donor supply. Placement of the grafts and planning for future hair loss thus, is key.


Know also that subsequent procedures may be needed in the event of future hair loss, which I suspect given your pattern of hair loss, that it's going to happen. Propecia and/or Rogaine may help slow it down or stop it from progressing. Are you curently on non-surgical hair loss treatments? If not, I strongly encourage you to consider it.


I hope the above information helps as you begin your hair restoration journey.


I encourage you to create a free hair loss patient website to document your progress.


Best wishes,



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Hi Bill,


The doctor indeed told that medication can be used for the crown area and he told we can discuss this more at the time of consultation.


I need your advise on what should I do. I am planning to get married in a year or two and I don't want a bald crown sitting on my head at that time. So, Can you suggest me how should I proceed with my HT?


I am yet to mail the doctor with these concerns.





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