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Sunnys HT in Thailand...Plus More!!


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Gidday again. I haven’t posted for a while but have still been checking this site now and then.


This year has been the year that I have attended to a few aspects of my appearance (some that I had never thought about changing – ie teeth and nose) and a second HT. (I did my first with Dr path 21 months ago – 4160 grafts at age 56). Some might say Ive gone over the top on the cosmetic carousel but I figured what the hell, why not, we get a HT to improve our appearance dont we so why limit it to hair?? ... its only money and a few weeks of discomfort. We have a HT to improve our looks, confidence and hopefully look our age instead of 10 years older, isn’t that right. Anyway it did that for me after my first HT resulting in way more confidence and feeling better about myself than I had in years.


Although hair was my focus the 2nd time as well my lady (bless her) pointed out that it not just having more hair that could improve my appearance, so in march 2011 I did a course of invisalign to straighten a few lower front teeth. Its taken 6 months but I now have perfectly straight and white teeth. Cost $4000, but worth it because my bite was corrected as well which Im hoping will stop me chipping my front teeth every year like I have been doing. Costly but worth it I think in the long run.


While planning my HT in Thailand my lady suggested (shes good at that :-) ) I get my old amalgam fillings replaced(half price in Thailand) and my nose refined as well (yes I’m a sucker for her advice :-) ), since we would be in Thailand and recovering from the HT so why not do the other stuff and recover from it all at once, and it would be lots cheaper. Sounds logical... sounds efficient , so me being dopey me I said yeh, too easy , why the hell not. And like I said its about appearance isn’t it (vanity of course :-) and for a little discomfort and a few grand I get to live out my life feeling confident and good about myself. Its worth it in my opinion and these days cosmetic surgery is mostly safe and the cost is within most peoples ability to fund(I scrimped and saved for a year for mine). Main thing is to find reputable doctors. So my lady (taking many many hours) did all the research and questioning and correspondence for my nose and off we went.


I had 8 black amalgam(not good for you Im told) fillings replaced at Bumrungrad hospital the day after I arrived in Bangkok and then the day after that on 12th august, and like a lamb to the slaughter, thinking it was going to be a walk in the park because i hadn’t researched it, I went in to get my nose “refined”.....smart huh?? Uh.... maybe not because afterwards it looked anything but refined and I came out looking like I’d done 15 rounds with Muhummad Ali!!....what a sad and sorry mess, and rueing the decision and blaming my girlfriend for the dumb idea :-)!!. (See the pic on my blog). That pic was taken Sunday 14th Aug. My HT was Tuesday 16th Aug. I felt as bad as I looked and was worried Dr path would take one look and send me on my merry way.


But the swelling went down a bit and I had my 2nd HT with Dr Path on 16 August 2011, 1 year and 9 months after my first. The second time I was not as consistent with my scalp exercises so I was only able to get 2650 grafts but I was still in there for 8 hours. I skimped on the painkillers so i would be more awake and not hurt my nose so felt a few pricks but all in all it went well.

I had the second HT to fill in some sparseness on the crown and thicken up the frontal sides a little. Dr path put the grafts in to my hair from the last transplant. Im hoping for minimal shock loss. Ive been on propecia for 2 years so maybe that will help in that respect. My first HT was very successful so I was happy to go for the 2nd one again with Dr Path. It was quite easy this time and without the fear of the unknown. Once again he and his team were awesome and I highly recommend him.


I originally intended to have all the grafts in my scalp but my lady pointed out to me that my eyebrows were thin (isn’t she wonderful!! :-) . Many men lose brows as they get older and i had gaps and very thin towards the outside making me look like I had very short thin and messy eyebrows so I decided to have them done too while my hair was being done. Cost was $1550 in conjunction with the HT. I used 400 grafts (200 each brow) and to me it has made a huge difference to my overall appearance. A very good decision and will have more impact than the 2250 hairs put into my scalp. Good brows are essential for framing your eyes and adding strength and impact to the face. Dr Path shaped them in a classic male brow look. Ive shed about 60% of them to date.


So it all went pretty well I feel. The techs did the scar closure and my scar is neater and better this time than last. A month down the line my donor feels great. The swelling in my nose is gradually going down and the shape seems pretty good. Its not alot different just more pleasing to the eye. But it takes 6months to a year to see the final result of that.


I returned to work(office worker) on 29th August, 17 days after the nose and 13 days after the HT. I was back into the gym doing weights that day with no problems. No-one at work commented or said I looked different so that worked out good.


So thats it.....Of course between the beat ups I got I enjoyed my holiday in Bangkok with lots of curries and beer and relaxing :-).


Ive added some photos to my blog if youre interested .





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