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Is it selling out?


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So, I'm a bit of a writer. I've written a few posts that have been added to the network. I love writing and I love scientific writing--several members suspected that I worked for an HT doc because of the through research I have done and the extensiveness of my posts.


But I've been thinking of starting a self-improvement journal and documenting it on the web. This sort of self-improvement would be in losing weight, gaining muscle, career building and networking... I've even been thinking about writing some free e-books and posting them on the site--especially after reading some of the horrible, misinformation that is out there in books and on some forums about stuff like hair loss, HTs, mental conditions and mental health, etc. However, the one area that I cannot improve upon in any "natural" way is my hair loss. I've been thinking about it and wondering if getting another HT (I've had one in 2000 with a "hair mill" clinic that is very well-known, read: notorious) is selling out. What do you think?


Also, I've been debating about whether or not to show my face and it occurred to me how strange it is that so many of us don't want to show our faces in these public photos, and yet our balding/baldness is readily apparent in person. It's not like people don't know. I mean, even though I use toppik, there are still people that can tell--especially in direct sunlight--and yet I would never go out without it. Has anyone else ever thought about the strangeness there?

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  • Senior Member

Also, I've been debating about whether or not to show my face and it occurred to me how strange it is that so many of us don't want to show our faces in these public photos, and yet our balding/baldness is readily apparent in person. It's not like people don't know... Has anyone else ever thought about the strangeness there?


I've thought the exact same thing many times. I can only assume that the reason most members are so reluctant to reveal their identity is because they must feel like there is still a stigma attached to getting an HT.


Also, perhaps it hurts some people's pride and sense of manhood to admit that they actually care about their appearance...


A good HT will be so undetectable that it will appear as if the hair is regrowing naturally. Apparently, most people aren't wise to it either because I often hear stories about how HT patients run into old friends or ex-grilfriends who say they look like they lost weight or something else, but can't put their finger on it.




My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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  • Senior Member
I've been thinking about it and wondering if getting another HT (I've had one in 2000 with a "hair mill" clinic that is very well-known, read: notorious) is selling out. What do you think?



If by selling out you mean that the HT would be somehow "cheating"....I don't think that's the right way to think about it. We use the tools at our disposal for self-improvement: weights for exercise, computers for networking, ebooks like the one's you want to write for information. HT is no different!

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  • Regular Member

Thanks, guys. I really do think that this stigma on having an HT is ridiculous. While some guys may not care, a lot of studies have shown that guys losing their hair are considered less attractive, weaker, and ineffectual and they tend to be paid and promoted less in their jobs. Like it or not, there is some social stigma about going bald and doing whatever it takes to look your personal best shouldn't be considered all about vanity, but self-esteem, IMHO.

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