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How to style HT that is thin, wavy and dark

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This is my first post. I had 2800 grafts put in a year ago and unfortunately I can't afford to go back for more. My hair is still thin on top and my hair is naturally very dark and wavy. Any tips on the best style, products, color, etc to make the best of what I have? thanks!


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This is my first post. I had 2800 grafts put in a year ago and unfortunately I can't afford to go back for more. My hair is still thin on top and my hair is naturally very dark and wavy. Any tips on the best style, products, color, etc to make the best of what I have? thanks!

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Also, I feel very self conscious about going to anyone to cut my hair (I do it myself for now). I just think I will look ridiculous in a hair salon full of people, not to mention the reaction of the stylist. Any ideas in finding someone with experience in cutting HT hair?

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When hair is thin, hairstyling options are minimal, and a hairstyle in itself certainly won't make fairly thin hair any denser.


While you are saving money for subsequent procedures, you may consider using a topical concealer like Dermmatch, Toppik, or Nanogen. When applied properly (which takes practice), they can help make hair appear thicker while remaining natural looking. These are temporary solutions and will wash out in the shower, though many of them hold up while swimming or sweating.


Best wishes,



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you may consider using a topical concealer like Dermmatch, Toppik, or Nanogen. When applied properly (which takes practice), they can help make hair appear thicker while remaining natural looking. These are temporary solutions and will wash out in the shower, though many of them hold up while swimming or sweating.



i agree with Bill here... looking at your pic you MAY want to experiment with some of these..


personally i use dermmatch in my grafted front third.... like you my results are quite thin... and dermmatch is much easier to BLEND and fade into the hairline....like Bill says you really need practice at applying ANY OR THESE products because trust me to much can be quite obvious looking to others....


the more hair you have the better theses products work, also the longer your hair is the easier it is to make it look natural.. that does not mean you need LONG HAIR but id say ATLEAST an inch and a half in lenght.....





personally ive bought myself time using the stuff, until i can decide on my next option AND THE MESS IS MINIMAL.DERMMATCH STAYS ON WELL. I CANT SPEAK FOR THE OTHERS.


all the best my friend

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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I am in the same position, avoiding barbers and asking mom to cut my hairs. But believe me going to a barber is better as they are more professional and know how to evenly cut hairs, especially the back. My hairs use to get so uneven from the back and used to get comments not regarding my baldness, but about how bad my hair looks from the back. So my advise is dont give up the barber yet.

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