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Post finasteride syndrome


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i used propecia for long time (6 yrs) and i had no noticeable sides


however when they appeared i quit the treatment


the problem is that these sides r still with me after some yrs discontinuation


i guessed was very strange but after googling finasteride sides i found


"Post finasteride syndrome"


i find out that is real and researchers r struggling to find the root cause and the treatment.

in italy there will be a conference on it, if u speak italian, have a look

Post Finasteride Syndrome: Primo seminario italiano sulla sindrome post finasteride


here the general description of the syndrome

Post Finasteride Syndrome: La sindrome post finasteride



anyone here had persistent sides effects?

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  • Regular Member

Persistent side effects relating to libido now appear on Merck documentation. It's a reality for unlucky people. What's hard to finger right now are metrics to have a good understanding of the level of incidence.


As you know, something like impotence can happen quite on it's own in some men after a certain age with or without Finasteride and the odds of it occuring naturally only increases as you age.


Here is a few threads that you might find interesting. There are a few others kicking around the forums as well.



Edited by Sigildark
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  • Senior Member

Are you sure the sides are from Finasteride? If you were on it for six years with no sides perhaps the symptoms you are no experiencing are coming from elsewhere. Especially since you are no longer on the drug. But again, I often forget that Finasteride is an evil poison pill... :rolleyes:

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Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

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  • Regular Member

It's all about education and understanding the risks vs the benefits. It's been proven that for some, side effects do not cease in an acceptable time frame after discontinuing use. As such, there is a certain level of inherent risk that it may change you in some ways long after you cease using. For some it's not as simple as i'm getting sides, i will stop using and the sides will go away. There used to be alot of contention in respect to that in past. It's now fact. Knowledge is power, nothing evil about the pill :P

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Are you sure the sides are from Finasteride? If you were on it for six years with no sides perhaps the symptoms you are no experiencing are coming from elsewhere. Especially since you are no longer on the drug. But again, I often forget that Finasteride is an evil poison pill... :rolleyes:


oh yes,

i visited 3 uro-andro and they found no other possible pathologies.

first they thought prostatitis, then search diabethis, then nerve damage ecc ecc, but after a ton of exams, fina remains the only candidate


before make sarcasm have a look on recent media awarness

Post Finasteride Syndrome: L'approccio mediatico alla sindrome



it is so rare?

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