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HT patients who shave thier head

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  • Regular Member

Love this thread, I have always been wondering this myself!! I would really like to see some results tho as the idea of chasing my hairloss all the way back is scaring me!!!


I have been researching for the last 3-4 years now and had a consult with Feriduni in Belgium 18 months ago. I think its almost time to either go for HT or not.


Thinking of taking 2 weeks off work in October and getting it done but having to hide it from co workers and my girlfriend is gonna be difficult!! Just last week she was joking with me how Im gonna look like my dad as she has noticed my receeding hairline. It still worries me that if the time comes and I have to shave it all off if she'd still fancy me :-\ I suppose take her word for it but i think most balding guys have this issue?


Even so for myself I would love to have a decent hairline.


On that note, Feriduni requires all his patients shave the receipient area. I'm worried about having the shaved head for 2 months until my native hair grows out to cover my receeding hair line so I was wondering if anyone has shave the donor aread on the sides and back, and then if the receipient area is in the hairline, just shave about 1cm back along the hairline so hair behind it can grow down over it, covering the transplants???

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  • Senior Member
I was looking around for more pictures and examples and i came across those images of somebody who had FUE only. to be honest, this does not look good at all in my opinion, it may even look worst that the strip scar, since it's all over the head and it looks like a skin disease or something, please check the images and let me know what you think.

Is this normal ? or maybe this was done long time ago when FUE started and nowadays FUE scars don't look like that any more


These were done w 1mm punches which I got also for my first FUE. I hope no docs r still using those punches. My later procedures were with a .75 mm punch. These smaller extractions are not noticeable at a 1 guard (in my case) but if you plan on shaving to the skin even these smaller punches are likely to be visible. To get FUE and completely shave your head to the skin imo is a bad idea. You need to stay no shorter than 1 guard, some times 2, which is still quite short. Also once you get over 5,000 FUE the donor will look thinner. This can have the effect of lessening the contrast of the horseshoe if the grafts are taken out evenly throughout the donor.

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