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Toppik and hair looking dry

Guest mariewoltz25411697

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Guest mariewoltz25411697

I have been using Toppik for quite sometime. It works great. But a major problem is hair not having good texture after application. It makes hair look too dry. If you are going out you would want your hair to look a bit wet and have some shine.


I tried gently applying pomade after Toppik to improve texture, but Toppik stops sticking to my hair and makes it look less dense. Are there any solutions to make hair look good after Toppik application?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's what I'd suggest. My hair is fairly long right now, but when it was shorter, this is what I'd do:


1. Wash and dry your hair.

2. Apply a cover formula like Dermmatch in a shade lighter than you think you need. In a pinch, you can also use a matte eyeshadow if you're not too proud to buy it. Either way, I find applying either with a professional foundation brush to work best.

3. Apply your pomade and style your hair as usual. Since you're going to go back with the Toppik, you can go a little heavier than you would have normally.

4. Sprinkle the Toppik on, but hold it very close to the scalp, lifting your longer hair away.

5. Spray with the locking spray or hairspray.


Here's the other thing. If you're going out at night, and you do this in the morning, the Toppik will settle a bit and the pomade/oils will spread a bit, and it'll look better. You can even take the pomade and apply a little more just to the tips. That said, while a little settling can look good, when you start approaching that third day, it not only settles, it starts to clump on the scalp and doesn't look as good.


Hope that helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I used Garnier Fructis hair shine spray when I was using Toppik to try and make my hair look less dull. It definitely will help and is inexpensive at the local drug store.


I switched from Toppik to a brand of fibers called 20 Second Hair and it is a massive improvement on how "shiny" my hair looks and it stays in alot better as well. I cant remember why off the top of my head but their website goes into why it's more shiny. They custom mix 2 shades of brown for me and are quite a bit less expensive compared to Toppik so you might check them out. .

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  • 1 year later...

I love wearing my hair pomped and greased. Since having a hair thinning problem, it has been difficult to pomp and grease my hair to make it look decent - the patchy areas were just too noticeable. So, I started letting my hair grow and wearing it dry :(. I was very depressed about it, until I started experimenting with Toppik, Dermmatch, and Eye shadow.


I was able to get pretty good results doing this:

1) wash hair & towel dry

2) use Loreal Shadow Eyelbrow pencil to fill in patches. I've also used Dermmatch, but the Shadow pencil does an amazing job and is much less expensive & easier to apply.

3) Apply pomade. I first apply a base using a water based pomade called Cock Grease XXX. Layrite, Suavacito, or other water based pomade should work too. Then, I apply my main petroleum/wax based pomade called VooDoo Brew. It has a dark tint to it so it so I think it does help to make my hair darker (and helps conceal some of the little grey). I finally put on a topper of Royal Crown Pomade (not the Dressing, but the Pomade - smells much better).

4) style hair. It helps to use a afro pick for the pomp, or a very wide tooth comb. I style it as I normally do,

5) Then apply Toppik to the areas that need it. Recomb as needed. Apply more Toppik in needed. Continue this until I get it the way I like.


Amazingly, the Toppik and the pomade seem to work well together - the pomade seems to hold the Toppik in better than if I apply Toppik to dry hair.


When you recomb, some of the Toppik will inevitably build up on the comb. I don't find this to be a big deal - it's relativelyeasy to rinse off the comb and not much comes off.


I don't think this would work well if you have very large patches obviously - you need some hair to which Toppik can adhere to anyway. But, this has worked great for me. I have thinning hair in a couple areas, so I'm able to conceal them using this method.


I'm going to continue experimenting - I might also try Nanogen.


This discovery has been a welcome thing for me - I had been pomping my hair for years and only within the last few years has this hairloss thing become more obvious making it difficult to look decent pomped and grease. I have now been able to pomp my hair for the past few weeks and I'm thrilled. My wife has commented that the patchy areas are no longer noticeable and my hair looks great. She's also thrilled that since discovering this & being able to pomp my hair again, I went to get a haircut and got it cutt off my ears and collar. I can't express how happy I am now.I have my pomp back. No more depression about my hairloss.

Edited by CryingGreaser
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