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concealer for female hairline lowering?

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i had grafts in the front of my head to lower my hairline, it looks scary now like someone shaved the front of my head

i dont want to always wear a hat

itll be weird even when i go on a plane, in the security check for the airport they might ask me to remove my hat... although i'm not that anxious about that


but its just for when i go out and stuff is there a way to conceal the short hair in the front of my head? or am i going to have to wear a hat for 2 months??

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  • Senior Member

Basically your options would be any form of head-covering accessory that you would find acceptable to wear (I think women have more options than men here) and the use of your surrounding hair to cover the area.


I don't know how large your procedure was or how long your hair is, but can you style your hair in such a way that the area is covered?

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member

what do you mean how large? it was about 1800 grafts, i think its like 1-2 cm area which is pretty big

i can't cover it with my hair bc the area is too big


my hair is long like a foot, past my shoulders, longer if i straighten it (its permed now). even bangs won't cover it all and i dont want to cover my hair short, and bangs i usually end up tucking behind my ears bc they are very annoying to me and i can't see and i dont want to cut more hair to get bangs.


and its summer and hot and i dont want to have to wear a hat all the time


so idk how to hide this

i have to wear a hat for 6 months including the whole summer?

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  • Senior Member

You can use certain cosmetics after all of your scabs fall off which is between 8-10 days. You can use dermatch or toppik to make it look fuller. You don't have to wear a hat unless you want to but you can try and experiment with coming your hair forward and giving yourself bangs to hide this area until things start to grow. This will take some time until everything grows, so you shouldn't expect anything significant until at least 6 months, and that hair will not be nearly as long as the native hair you have right now. So really it will take 1 year before I think you are happy with what you had done.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

well i cant comb it forward because i have very long hair so i can't just put long hair in the front of my face

the area to cover is pretty big

and i dont want to cut any more hair for bangs, and it wont cover it up anyways because i find them annoying so i usually just sweep them to the side, and the area with grafts is pretty large so it will still show

and topix only gives very short hair and works for men and my hair is very long so itll look odd with very short hair in the front

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  • Senior Member

You won't look like this after a few weeks, most of the redness will be gone after 10 days. It will be pink for a few weeks after that and the hairs you had transplanted will fall out after 8 days to 2 weeks post surgery so you will look pretty much as you did prior to surgery.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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hairgirl08 - I am no expert wen it comes to women's hairstyles. However, 'Fringe' flashed across the moment I read your dilemma. Why not try some fringes? If you've not tried fringes before, may be your HT has given an option to do so now and experiment with your hair! This is just a suggestion, I hope it works for you. I see you are from the UK. I see Cheryl Cole looks gorgeous in Fringes, you can too :)


Check out these images here and here and here is someone who has had a transformation. Given that you have long hair and that you sweep it to your sides, this looks like a perfect solution. Try it out and lets out if it worked for you. All the best!

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  • Regular Member

I had posted a suggestion sometime back, for some reason, it doesn't show up. I had suggested sporting a fringe, however, only now I realize that you have already mentioned it in your post. My apologies, I had missed that post. Anyway, I hope you find a good solution

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