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my hairline lowering

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So here is my experience.


this is what my forehead used to look like:

I don't lose any hair or anything, just have a naturally high hairline



I got about 1800 or so grafts to lower my hairline.

(1800-2000 im not sure the exact number)


Here's a post-op pic picture:


(note: i can't insert a picture here - not sure why)?




The hairs haven't grown yet


I hate the scar in the back of my head


The total procedure took about 5-6 hours the first day from when we started (after the consultation, etc.)

The first day, two cuts had to be made, because the first time there weren't enough grafts.

They forgot to put some grafts in the corner of my head, so the next day I had to come back for 100 more grafts, after a hair wash.


I'm 90% happy with my hairline, it's much better than my high forehead. Although I think I am kinda picky about the smoothness about it being perfect but they say it's not good to have a perfect line or it'll look fake, which makes me feel better. But still I think on the left side is smoother (which I like) but on the right it's kinda comes down slightly too low and is like a straight line, but maybe that's just the marker, and if it were perfectly symmetrical it would look fake. but i don't need it to be perfectly symmetrical, just for it to be smoother. but other people are saying that they can't tell and it looks fine so.


in the first cut they cut a vein or something, so i freaked out when there was blood dripping down my gown, but they said they fixed it, but still since i was drugged on their medicine (for sedation, etc.) things were confusing and one of the technicians told the others that i freaked out.


I hate the scar, just the idea of it. 3 cuts had to be done, the doctor said it was one continuous scar but no the right side of my head it extends above my ears a bit. I considered fue at first but they said for females everyone uses FUT so I went with that.


i think the worst part was when they inject the local anesthesia because they have to poke a lot of needles

after that, you can't really feel anything and the medicine works and you feel confused and hallicinate so you don't really know whats going on

i went to the restroom a few times in between, i felt pretty relaxed during the whole procedure and it wasn't stressful or anything

i didnt even know that the cut from the back had been made so that was quick

also they had hit a bleeder or cut a vein but they fixed it

the second day they just poked needles, no cut vein or anything and it was just a small number the second day


the top of my head is still numb, i guess bc when they were doing the procedure sometimes i could feel it slightly so they kept putting in more anaesthetia, i couldnt raise my eyebrows upward at all yesterday i can kind of now



i filled in the area using photoshop to see what it may look like after it grows in.


i hate that you have to wait 2 months for hairs to even begin growing though.


note: below is photoshopped prediction after hairs grow in:





some pain in the back of my head where they made the incisions

but they give you pain medication for it



(i might add more details to my experience later and update from time to time)


Update: 6/25 - i added some more pics - see below




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Congratulations on your recent hair transplant surgery! Your new hairline should look fantastic once it grows in. Do be aware that, in most cases, your new hairs will only begin to sprout between 3 and 4 months post-op. By the 6th months you should see significant filling in of the transplanted area.


It may take your scar a full year to fully mature but once it heals, you won't even know it's there.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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that's a very long time :(


i thought 2 months, damn so it will take 3-4 months for it to even show up and 6-8 months for even bangs or something and a year for it to reach a normal length, and my hair is long so it will take even longer to reach the length of my normal hair



btw how come the first image is not watermarked with the site url but the other 2 images that i posted are?

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and its just the idea of the scar , a huge line even if it's thin that runs across my head that bothers me

even if no one will see it and ill never shave my head

i even considered fue but they said all females use fut for hairline lowering

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Female patients can have FUE, but if you had gone with FUE then the entire back of your head would now be shaved and would be very difficult to hide.


It seems like you have enough hair to cover the transplanted area as it heals and grows in. Perhaps a short-ish style that brings hair forward around your forehead would work, and the newly growing hairs will catch up sooner with shorter hair.


Once the hair has grown the hairline should look much more natural than you might be able to visualize when you look at a line drawn with marker or the red post-op outline.


I think your new hairline looks to be in a good position and will nicely frame your face. Keep us updated if you can.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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well the shaving of the back of my head doesnt bother me, idk maybe its bc i eat a lot or bc im asian but my hair grows very fast like almost 2 inches/month, its just hair and hair grows back


i hope my grafts grow fast

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so today (26th) is "day 3"

I had a hair wash at the doctor's office today.


Last night when I was sleeping I put a towel under my head, some blood from the scar but it's normal.

Today I am just bothered by the cowlick (front of the head area) where the hairs point in odd directions, but I think that was done intentionally because the doctor tried to continue to pattern of my very small cowlick. but i hate cowlicks and i wished the hairs in the front center go in the normal direction. what direction are hairs in the center front of your hair supposed to point? the hairline was extended like 1-2 cm so no one will know that i ever had a cowlick and some people have no cowlicks normally so it wouldn't be unnatural if they didn't continue the pattern right? or is it better to continue the pattern?


Also yesterday when I got home (2nd operation day with like 5-10% of the remaining grafts to be put in) I fell asleep in the afternoon, I forgot I was just taking a nap and then I woke up thinking it was morning was it actually 8 pm.


Last night i could kind of raise my right eyebrow like 20% and very little the left (like 5%)


Today I can raise my eyebrows more like 40%


The top of my head is still numb, like 90% numb


Yesterday it was pretty much like 95-100% numb

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The way you described it, sounds like a bad experience with the surgery. 2 cuts is 1 cut too many in my oppinion. I mean, the shots and cutting are the worst parts of the experience, I was freaked out enough just getting sliced open once. Also, I am Asian too and had 1700 graphs to fix my receding hairline. So I do not think you will be happy with the density. Asians have very thick coarse hair, and normally sunlight wont show any scalp, but it will show scalp in the transplanted area, then youll have a very dark background from the native hair. I posted my results in the "Post by Patients section under Nuhart NYC Dr. Glenn Ross" I had a receding hairline, but you can kinda see the point im making about the dark density and light sparse appearance.

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well every graft was used so no grafts were wasted

yeah i wish they cut only once but i think they did it like that to be conservative at first or something

i dont know


i think the density is fine

like i can see the hair in the front and its kinda like my brother's natural hair and his hair looks fine

im not bothered by the density


just the scar and cowlick

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do you have the link t oyour pictures im not very good at forums

i tried to search for Post by Patients section under Nuhart NYC "Dr." Glenn Ross

in the seaarch but nothing came up


nevermind found it, i see what you mean in your pictures


but on my head it looks pretty filled in though i hope they all grow

i was even thinking that they might have even been able to use less grafts

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  • 3 weeks later...
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today is about 3.5 weeks post-op

im not very good at taking pics


the grafts haven't really fallen out yet, i dont know if thats a good or bad thing. if i sweep them in the shower or something a few will come out but i decided to just let them fall out themselves. theyre kinda flattened down on the skin now, at least in the side areas (maybe because ive been putting my hair over them to cover them up when i go out, and maybe shampoo is just making them stick to the skin). in the front they are still poking out. in the picture some of my thinner natural hairs are covering them and its hard to move those out of the way because they are thin and the "cowlick", so in the picture it might not be only the grafts, even though i tried moving a few out of the way with some gel to stick them back. also the pic might be a bit blurred.


does the scar look normal?

its hard for me to even take a picture of it. and the sunlight makes my scalp show up more (some of the lighter area is just reflection, not scalp without hair, or at least i hope), also since the pic is blurred you can't see the short hairs where the hair in the area was cut.

it was a bit itchy, i went to a gp a few days ago because i was a bit worried about an infection, they said it was healing fine and that itching was good.













scar (right side)



scar (left side)



scar (back side)


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I don't know who did your surgery but it looks pretty good! That's quite a drop in your hairline. I think you'll look totally different when it all grows in.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

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Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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