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Questions about Rogaine's shedding process.


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  • Senior Member

Hi all, well after much consideration, I've decided to hold off on the HT due to the small amount of grafts.. and I"m trying to get back on to Rogaine and Proscar.


My question is I already have minaturized hair follicles in my front hairline. AND I"m aware of the shedding process 2 weeks mark from using Rogaine. Will the minaturized hair's fall out BUT regrow again? That's my greatest concern cause as of now, I have very very few hairs covering my front hairline.


Also, does anyone know of a cheap place to order proscar that delivers to the US? Or, could you buy it in your local pharmacy?


Any help is appreciated,


Thanks in advance

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member

Hi all, well after much consideration, I've decided to hold off on the HT due to the small amount of grafts.. and I"m trying to get back on to Rogaine and Proscar.


My question is I already have minaturized hair follicles in my front hairline. AND I"m aware of the shedding process 2 weeks mark from using Rogaine. Will the minaturized hair's fall out BUT regrow again? That's my greatest concern cause as of now, I have very very few hairs covering my front hairline.


Also, does anyone know of a cheap place to order proscar that delivers to the US? Or, could you buy it in your local pharmacy?


Any help is appreciated,


Thanks in advance

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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Rogaine has different effects for differnet people. For some people, it stops hair loss. For others, it regrows, hair. For others, it slows down the process. And for a few, it doesn't help at all. Therefore, there's no way to know what will happen to the minaturized hair in the front. Contrary to what you might hear, rogaine works on all parts of the scalp. It can only help you. Regardless of whether or not your minaturized hairs in the front hairline fall out, I think you should start on Rogaine immediately. It can help prevent serious future hair loss. If your hair in the front falls out, it may possibly come back, and possibly not. There's no guarantees with any of the hair meds right now. Hope that helps

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  • Senior Member

Absolutley agree with, Why Me?..

When Rogaine was tested with the FDA, they only focused on the crown. And then advertised it that way. Then most Dr.s said it only worked there.

Later studies are showing that it actually works all around. But still too new to give a positive remark in that area, but is looking promising!

Also, check with your personal Dr. about getting perscribed on Proscar. This maybe under your RX plan insurance.

My suggestion would be, first check if your RX has a website, and try to find that out. Otherwise some of the guys around the forum can direct you in the correct location to purchase.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks Why me and hairbethere, I've actually used Rogaine before but stopped for a bit recently because I was hoping to get a HT... thats besides the point..


But anyway, at that time, the rogaine helped A LOT with my temple area and retained the hair that I had in my front hairline.


The thing is, my hair in the front now is a lot thinner than at the time I was using rogaine. The follicles have minaturized to such a point that I'm afraid if I start using rogaine again, and that if i go through the shedding process, that the follicles won't grow back... Has anyone had any experience with Rogaine and could tell me if minaturized hair follicles grow back in the front?


Thanks in advance

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member

anyone use rogaine?...

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member

Rogaine should help you with the miniaturization, and so should Propecia. What these meds do BEST is to help retain the hair you still have. That's exactly what you seem to need... to save those borderline hairs.


I wrote in another thread that there is a 15% minoxidil available. I would look into that. But start with a normal 5% solution, and after a month or two, then bump up to a higher concentration. (I would ease into the stronger version, in your case).


Good luck! I hope it works for you. Keep us posted.

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