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Weight Lifting Supplementation after HT

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Hey guys, I lift weights 4-5 days a week. I took a good amount of time off and didnt really get back to my normal schedule until about 3 weeks after my hair transplant. I train for powerlifting competitions so the lifting is very heavy and strenuous.


I am currently 5 weeks after HT. I had 2200 grafts put in.


At 4 weeks I started new supplementation for my lifting and overall health. ( I do not take steroids and never have ). I also have goals to be a natural bodybuilder, but suffer from slight gynecomastia, so I take things to help me with that in addition to a lot of exercise. ( I take Tumeric for that ).


My main question was, if any of the supplements that I take will inhibit my transplant hair growth in any way. Here are a list of the links of the supplements that I take and there ingredients are on the left side of the web page. If you guys could just take the time to give them a look it would be very helpful and appreciated:


Multi Vitamin, Protein Powder, NO-Explode, Tumeric, Ginko, Fish Oil, L-Glutamine, and Propecia



If there is anything here that you guys may feel is detrimental to my hair transplant please let me know. Thanks so much guys.

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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  • Senior Member

To be honest there are so many products containing so many ingredients that it's impossible to keep track of everything and say with 100% certainty that nothing will cause any negative effects. However, I've never run across any problems relating to workout supplements (of this nature) in a hair transplant context.


What concerns me and compelled me to reply is that you're lifting very heavy weights and started doing so at only 3 weeks after surgery. Did you undergo a strip procedure? The strain that can be put on the back of your neck can have an impact on the healing of the donor wound, with tissues being stretched leading to a wider scar. Did your surgeon tell you you could start lifting so much weight so soon?

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I was given a post op paper. It stated after 7 days, light exercise, light lifting if youd like, 14 days, vigorous exercise and moderate weight lifting was ok and after 3 weeks and level of exercise and lifting was fine.


I asked many times at the office when i went on the 10th day when i went to get my staples out and they said it was fine.


The transplant is very important to me and the MOST imporant. Hence the reason i made this post.

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