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FREAKING OUT, hole in my head??!!!

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I am about 1 month since the surgery, so early this morning the back of my head was itchy i scratched it (they said this was fine after my stitches came out) So Im scratching and feel this big piece of something on the donor scar, well figured it was a scab, but after feeling it with my fingers more closely it felt like a knot. So I went into the bathroom and cut it off with scissors. Sure enough it was a knot, of white thread, they used black to do the outer closure (trico closure was done). So im concerned, why are the supposed dissolving stitches from under the skin coming through? When my GF got home she took a look and there is a small hole in the back of my head, deep enough she can see into it. This is really freaking me out and no one is in the office till Monday morning! should I be worried? go to the Emergency room?

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You should be able to wait until Monday because it is relatively common for a knot that does not dissolve properly to rise to the surface. It is your bodies way of saying this knot is not dissolving so we are getting rid of it. As long as there is no drainage or major tenderness I do not think there would be much they could do for you in the ER.

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About 15 years ago I had groin surgery as a result of a sporting injury and the surgeon used dissovable stitches. Almost 2 weeks after the surgery I had a similiar situation and pulled on what appeared to be a knot and a piece of string about 1/2 inch came out of my leg.


I personally wouldn't worry too much about it but do get it checked out. Damn HT's the anxiety level goes so high after the procedure :eek:.





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