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Propecia for 10 months and ZERO. Need advice/help.


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I'm going to save how horribly depressed and pathetic I have been this past year for another story and get straight to the point. Now 20.3 years old, started Propecia 1mg once every night since last May. I have always had a higher hairline, thinner hair on the top of my head (not the back), and an even thinner patch of hair on the top left part of my hairline. At the time of deciding whether to take Propecia or not last year I was NOT shedding. AND also to take note, at the time of starting Propecia once every night, I have also been taking a 5mg Biotin and a B-Complex vitamin.


Now with that in mind, my hair has gotten so painstakingly worse ever since I started. The top of my head has lost SO much density with the continuous shedding every damn day. Every time I take a shower I feel like I am taking a pair of scissors to my head and giving it one swift cut....Or I guess a better visual way to describe it would be that after I apply the shampoo to my hair, and then look at my hands, they are ALWAYS covered with hair. And then I just watch the water wash it all off as it hits the bottom of the shower as if I'm sitting in a chair at the barber shop watching my cut hairs fall to the ground.


The top left thinner patch of my head has gotten worse. My high hairline continues to recede as I continue to lose hair. I can so easily just wave my hand through my hair as pull out several pieces at any given time during the day whether I just showered or not. And I continue to use Propecia with this shred of hope that..."ok, maybe it's just taking longer for me," but I think I need to face reality and realize that I am not a good responder to the medication.


I did try Rogaine foam for a brief while but it just made me smell WAY to pretty and make my hair way to greasy...also making me feel like the medicine wasn't being absorbed to my scalp. However I am only taking Propecia because I want to see if that would do anything for me and not take both drugs and not know if one is helping or not...which obviously Propecia has not helped.


So quick recap:

-20 years old

-propecia 1mg once a night - 10 months now

-5mg biotin & b-complex vitamin a night (on top of a multi-vitamin and fish oil I might take in the morning)

-diet is fine

-current shampoo/conditioner is Pert Plus

-do not use any hair products

-hair a lot WORSE - an even higher hairline - and a lot less dense...and I truly mean it.


And now my question to you guys, even though this post assembles an answer, is if I should continue or not? I think I shouldn't...but its difficult having taken it for this long and having much hope in this drug...yet at the same time I don't have any hope. It's hard guys...I wanted to help myself and spent so much time deciding if I should take Propecia...and now coming close to the end year mark, it has ruined my life. (Yet another long story.)


So, help. What do I do? (And despite my hair loss, any recommendations for shampoos/ coniditoners? I LOVE Pert but I think it would be better to use some increased thickening/ regrowing product.)

Edited by gmansjunk
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Although everyone is different, it's usually suggested that you try Propecia/finasteride for around 6 months before determining whether or not the medication is working. The first few months (3-4) are usually associated with an increased shedding phase (like you describe), and it can technically take up to 6-12 months for the drug to take "effect" and produce visible results.


Frankly, the most common piece of advice I've heard is to try Propecia for 6 months before determining whether or not it's effective, and, like you've said, it seems like your particular physiology may not be responding as expected.


Have you undergone an examination with a dermatologist or hair loss expert? Although you probably should wait the full 12 months before making an assessment and determining whether or not you should discontinue the Propecia, you could definitely schedule an appointment with one of our recommended hair restoration physicians and see if they can give you a more accurate idea of what's happening.


I hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Well assuming my assumptions of it not working and your 2nd paragraph comment of it not responding to my physiology is in contrast with your 3 paragraph comment that being to wait the full 12 months...and my question of what for? But then again I already know that answer...hope. Heh. I realize that the shedding period on Propecia usually starts in the beginning months and only last for a couple/ few. However not the case with me, as this has been a 10 month shedding all you hair period. Granted I do still have some on the top of my head, but oh boy is it ever less dense.


And yes, I have been seeing a really good hair doctor in San Francisco and just recently saw him some days ago. Of course he's part of the reason I still have hope but I don't think he has fully examined my hair, regardless. As well he pushes the whole propecia AND rogaine regimen but I have chosen to decipher the two one at a time.


And I believe I have also developed dandruff, among other things, from this. It's hard to tell if its dandruff or just the strands but anywho, any good shampoo to use? I've only tried Head&Shoulders and that made me itch...so no no.


So again, would it even matter if I continue for another 2 months to make a final conclusion? Considering how much damage it's done to me I can't stress enough.

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Unfortunately, when it comes to hair loss and its treatments, there is simply no way to know what your ultimate results will be without a lengthy process of trial and error. Personally, after investing 10 months, I would continue to at least the one year mark before giving up.


Regarding Rogaine Foam, there is an unscented version available now. I too had given it up due to its formerly girly smell but I'm now back to using it and I much prefer it without the scent. I don't think I've heard of anyone stating that the foam made their hair greasy. I know the solution does but I find the foam dries very quickly and has an almost styling mousse quality to it. Your best best is using minoxidil and Propecia (finasteride) in combination.


For your dandruff I suggest Nizoral. Its active ingredient ketoconazole may even help to treat hair loss.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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I'm sorry I couldn't be more conclusive. Like David said, it's just a very unpredictable, difficult situation to comprehend, but like he said, I would probably wait the full 12 months before making a final decision. If for nothing else, just to know that you utilized the medication as directed and as effectively as possible before coming to any type of conclusion.


Additionally, I'm glad to hear that you've discussed this situation with a trusted physician. However, if you do feel like you want a second, expert opinion or maybe a more thorough examination of the scalp, I'd definitely review the recommended hair restoration physicians link I provided before and consider a consultation.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Well thank you two very much for the responses. I guess I will continue Propecia another 2 months to make any further decisions...however judging by what this drug has already done to me, I can most likely assume I will have lost MOST (close to all) of my hair on the top of my head. This is really scary for me. As much I as I want this drug to work, in all honesty I want to stop taking it because its painful to watch how its destroying me. But then there is always the case of..."well, maybe it'll work."


Grr, I don't know what to do anymore.


(Another question: Say I do conclude that Propecia has been nothing but detrimental to me. Now fast forward 5 years from now and say I am having a hair restoration surgery. After having surgery, are Propecia and Rogaine required to maintain the hair, recommended or not even necessary? Now before that, since I did conclude that Propecia years ago did not work for me, what happens in this situation? Can Propecia now work for me 5 years later (25 years old)? Assuming it doesn't because I've tested it before, will having the hair restoration surgery be pointless? Just trying to find out some info ahead of time.):(

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If you have realistic goals and understand where you hair loss is going then it is possible for many men to achieve desirable results without medication.


If Propecia isn't working for you know then I wouldn't count on it working for you in the future. There are many guys who undergo surgical hair restoration without using drugs to stabilize their hair loss. However, this is something you need to discuss with your hair transplant surgeon when when formulating your long-term plan.


Propecia and Rogaine are used only to maintain existing hair and slow the progression of hair loss. They are not necessary to maintain the newly transplanted grafts that have come from the permanent donor area. However, poor planning can have you chasing your hair loss with multiple procedures.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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A lot depends on the aggressiveness of your MPB, the follicles level of sensitivity of DHT, etc. Some people get dramatic results for 10+ years and some see zero difference. Sorry it's not working for you, as it is the best non surgical solution we have to turn to right now. That being said, I'm sure it is at least doing SOMETHING to slow down hairloss even just a tiny bit. I would continue until the year and a half mark. It took until the 8 month mark before I saw noticeable crown/vertex thickening and now I'm glad I kept going as it has thickened nicely. Surgical hair restoration is always an option, just a more expensive option. I would add Nizoral shampoo twice a week too.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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