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has anyone suffered side effects of finastride/minoxydil


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this is my first post on this forum.. Im 32 and have been suffering severe hair loss for the 2 years. An year back i consulted a doctor and he prescribed me few vitamins and finastride and minoxidyl..i did nt realize that it ws finastride ( finopecia) until i had taken about 10 tablets..when i read on the several websites on the internet about the side effects of the medicien i stopped taking it even though i had nt suffered any noticeable decrease in libido ..bt im sure minoxidyl hd caused me wrinkles under my eyes..bt the medicines showed result and i recovered my hair..bt a few months after i discontinued teh medicines i started suffering from hair loss again and for the last few montsh it has been very severe..strange thin is that it is all over my head..even side burns and back of the head.. nw the doctor has again asked me to take finastride.. when i told him about my reluctance to do so.. he prescribed me morr-f a solution to be applied externally which contains both minoxydil and finastride.. i would like to know about your experiences with these medicines.. thanks



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Hello pal, get back on propecia. That's the brand name of the finestride. Yes it does decrease a bit of libido in a lot of men from my research. I take it & it affects me a tiny bit but I can definitely perform. I only take it every other day though as a precaution. As for mino, it makes the scalp slightly red & I found it annoying to apply, causes white flakes & itches a bit. I didn't see improvement, so I stopped using it.

My friend suffered problems in the trouser's department with propecia, but he finds mino effective. But at the same time, it caused small bumps on his forehead.

Ask a hair surgeon for advise & to look at your scalp & sides. A general doctor won't be the right person for advise, or at least that's what I found when I asked 3 GPs. Send some pics of your scalp & sides and a lot of ppl here will point you in the right direction.

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Hey guys,



There are only two prescription drugs approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss:

1. Finasteride, marketed by the names "Proscar" and "Propecia", and...

2. Minoxidil, which is available as both a prescription pill and topical ointment marketed as "Rogaine."

Minoxidil was a revolutionary treatment for hair loss when it was first released. However, it doesn't address the hormonal DHT issue, so it has been found to produce disappointing long-term results...

It's no longer recommended as a first line of attack against hair loss.


Finasteride has produced the best overall results for prescription drugs, as it directly addresses the overproduction of DHT.

However, it can come with debilitating long-term sexual side effects that persist long after the drug has been discontinued.



According to Drugs.com, side effects of finasteride include:


  • Impotence (1.1% to 18.5%)
  • Abnormal ejaculation (7.2%)
  • Decreased ejaculatory volume (0.9% to 2.8%)
  • Abnormal sexual function (2.5%)
  • Gynecomastia (2.2%)
  • Erectile dysfunction (1.3%)
  • Ejaculation disorder (1.2%)

So bearing the above in mind, what would you say is left for us guys to do to keep our thinning /balding hairlines in check?

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this is my first post on this forum.. Im 32 and have been suffering severe hair loss for the 2 years. An year back i consulted a doctor and he prescribed me few vitamins and finastride and minoxidyl..i did nt realize that it ws finastride ( finopecia) until i had taken about 10 tablets..when i read on the several websites on the internet about the side effects of the medicien i stopped taking it even though i had nt suffered any noticeable decrease in libido ..bt im sure minoxidyl hd caused me wrinkles under my eyes..bt the medicines showed result and i recovered my hair..bt a few months after i discontinued teh medicines i started suffering from hair loss again and for the last few montsh it has been very severe..strange thin is that it is all over my head..even side burns and back of the head.. nw the doctor has again asked me to take finastride.. when i told him about my reluctance to do so.. he prescribed me morr-f a solution to be applied externally which contains both minoxydil and finastride.. i would like to know about your experiences with these medicines.. thanks




Is the black eye bag real when someone taks minoxidil? A lot of people have said that.

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  • Senior Member

I've had black eye bags from sinus issues since I was a kid, I can't really tell if Rogaine is worsening things. I've also heard about it causing wrinkles under the eyes, but wonder if that just isn't from natural aging.

Jan 2000 - 600 FUT with Dr Kurgis (MHR)

Sept 2011 - 1411 FUT with Dr Paul Shapiro

Jan 2013 - 1800 FUT with Dr Paul Shapiro

Sep 2014 - 1000 FUE with Dr Paul Shapiro


My Hairloss Blog »


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