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Post HT Toppik usage

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  • Regular Member

Hello All,


Its been a month and a half since my HT. I was experiencing a receding hairline and most hair was placed on the front portion of my head. I had a haircut about ten days back in an effort to make rest of my hair about the same length with respect to the transplanted hair. However, since I didn't want the scar at the back to reveal itself, I had to stop short cutting my hair too short. I have been thinking of using a concealer till the time the new hair grows to a decent length. Now, to my questions,


1. Is there any harm in using a concealer after about 45 days after a HT? (if at all I can use it after a HT)

2. Will the concealer harm/hinder the growth of new grafts that have been transplanted in anyway?

3. Also, does one also purchase a locking mist/liquid with the concealer? I see it getting sold separately

To more generic questions on concealers in general,


1. Based on user experiences, which are the best brands? Are Toppik, Nanogen and Dermmatch the top three popular and used brands? And, which is the most widely used? DO all brands behave the same way in conditions such as excess sweat/windy conditions etc?

2. How much of supply would someone need to use the concealer for about a month's time?


I appreciate your expert comments. Thank you for your help :)


Note - Since this post also covers generic questions on concealers, I have posted the same thread under 'Non Surgical treatments' section

Edited by hairsprint
Added a question on locking liquid
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  • 3 months later...
  • Regular Member



I had managed to work from home for close to 2 months after my HT. There was no more escape from going to the workplace, I had to report to work from the end of the 2nd month.I asked around/did some research and concluded that it was safe using a concealer


I decided on using a fiber type rather than go for something like Dermmatch as I wasn't comfortable applying pressure on the recipient area and pull out some hair inadvertently during the application process. Just sprinkling some hair fibers on top appealed to me better


I couldn't buy my supply of branded hair fibers like Toppik or Nanogen in time, so, I had to settle for an un-branded one from a local hair clinic. I wasn't sure if it will work fine for me. But, I didn't have a choice, I had to use something and finalize something before I reported to work


For the first few days, applying the fibers was a tricky job, no doubt. Thereafter, I found the right amount and angles and I can claim that the fibers have been life savers. As many say, less is always more. And, you get there by experience. I apply mine after making sure my hair is dry after a shower. I neither use a spray applicator nor the locking mist. After application, I slightly help the fibers with my finger tips to permeate through my top layer of hair. When applied right, the hair fibers are virtually undetectable


Take a look at some pics of mine

Before application and After application


Comments welcome...!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I started using Nanogen a couple of days back. And, the biggest question I have is - Is the Black variant really Black :confused:


The variant I have when used on my hair (my hair is black) looks greyish-green. And, I used the product on perfectly dry hair, so no water involved here. Anyone else has had a similar experience?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest mariewoltz25411697

I use black fibers as well. I tried three variates, Toppik, Xfusion and Nanogen. I think Nanongen is probably better than others in terms of look actually black. The others look more greener.

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The others look more greener.


Oh! Wasn't aware of this fact. I was wondering if there was something wrong with their packaging ;) In-spite of this color difference, the end result wasn't too different from my earlier usage of a non branded variant. The other variant was jet black though. With Nanogen, I have to try extra hard to make sure the fibers spread evenly so that the greenish tinge blends with my black hair. Ultimately, with the fibers evenly spread, the result looks impressive


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