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What Clinics in UK are recommended


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Hi.I am new to this Forum and am probably asking a very silly question.What are the better Clinics in the UK?I have about 10K Sterling to spend and want to get about 2500-3000 FUE grafts.There are only two UK Doctors recommended by the web site and from the results pictures,I am not sure I would visit either of them.I would class my loss as 4A

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FUE is way better than STRIP. FUE in experienced hand has high yield as strip. If your results don't turn out well with fue then you always have an option to shave your head. If your results don't turn out well with strip you can't shave your head never because of the scar on the back of your head. Surgeon makes the difference with your hair not FUE or FUT. Choose wisely. Live for today, plan for tomorrow.

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Well, I am very pro FUE, but it's only better than strip because it doesn't leave a linear scar. I also don't like the fact that you are taking a big piece of your scalp out eww, but normally it needs to be strip to restore an average density patient.

I've only seen a handful of complete restorations with fue only, I personally know 1 person that was a NW6 and has had 8000 FUE, but his average density 110 per sq cm. He is probably the exception rather than the rule. That being said with hindsight I would never of had strip.

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spex - in your 1st post to the people who needed ht you promoted only FUT and told FUE is bad etc. I see you represent good doc but i have seen poor cases from your doc too. Imagine when you got FUT and your results didn't turn out well what you would do next. You need to fix that and you can't shave your head too.


Check this thread (link removed by moderator - we don't allow link backs to this website. Sorry for the inconvenience) and tell me is FUE beter than STRIP?


I wouldn't too strip never. hairloss is progressive. you may look good after your strip maybe couple of years but if you loose more hair you are in problems again and if you currently don't have enough money to fix your situation you are just ****.

Edited by krapok
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FUE megasessions isn't good in my opinion too where docs too for example 3000 in single day. These docs are only for profit in my opinion.


Some docs do 3000 during 4-5 days etc and they get high density. To the patient is the most important to get full head of hair and to me it doesn't matter do i get these results with 3-4 extra surgery days. results what you get from ht are usually permanent and you can enjoy your hair with the rest of your life. 3-4 extra surgery days is piece of cake comparing with rest of your life.

Edited by krapok
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i haven't had any surgeries (yet). I just have followed several forums during 1,5 years or so and i have seen several bad results from both - fut and fue. And even very skilled surgeons produce sometimes very poor results!


if you get bad fut you are basically fuc*ed. people can't only think that they get superior results. they always have to think about this that if something goes wrong and results don't turn out like they were planned what they do next. with fut you basically don't have any options. get another surgery and try to fix this or keep you hair long to hide your scar rest of your life and pray for the god that you don't loose in the future more hair because if you do, you will look more ridiculous.


and people have to think to the longer period than couple of years after their ht because hair loss is progressive. if your hair loss progresses and your are in this situation or in this then do you wanna have this kind of haircut or you wish you could shave your head?

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i have hair loss too. i have had online consultation where doc told i need about 2400-2700 grafts. maybe in this summer i'm going to have fue surgery but i'm not very sure yet. time will tell.


i have had most of my life longer hair (i'm soon 28). shaved (actually cut it with the razor the shortest ~1mm or so) my hair first time last summer because my hair is so crap and in summer time when wind blows i would look ridiculous. shaved head didn't look as bad as i thought. shaved my hair again week ago.


and with shaved head you don't think about your hair (loss) so often than you do with longer hair. if i have longer hair then they will get greasy quite fast (2nd day they will look greasy already) and if your top of the head is thinned out then it looked more bad.

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I agree that I had bad strip, but what makes it worse, is I didn't need anything doing, so I resent my scar even more. I'd still only be a thick NW2 now, without having any surgery.

This is what makes it very hard for me to suggest strip to anyone, I'd rather just say don't do anything.

I've seen lots of amazing results from strip and a fair few from fue. Fue grafts aren't as resilient as strip grafts, and strip grafts seem to start growing earlier aswell. You either having to be an amazing fue surgeon, or just stick to strip, because not all HT surgeons can do fue.


I'm not telling people to not do strip, I'm just saying that I wouldn't be a good person to give a balanced opinion on it.

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Where do you see there that his 1st surgery wasn't performed by Feller. He has written there:

Surgical Treatments: 1 session (2100 grafts) at the age of 25 and another (2000) at the age of 33 (8 years later)


Trooper had surgery performed by Alan Feller, D.O




... 7 years later, im still wearing the hat when i walk out the door. Decided that i need another transplant to dense up what i have so went back to Dr. Feller and got another 2000 grafts....


i understand here only one thing - Feller did both surgeries.


Yes, you show in your post the best photo what you could find there but check the top view of that patient as well. People don't see you only from front. This top view looks so thin that i rather would be happy to have possibility to shave it all off.


i don't wanna see your bad FUT and FUE results. I have seen both of them.




one thing more. At the moment he have had already 2 strip surgeries. Of course this patient should go to FUT in the future (if it is possible) because he has already strip scar (or maybe 2 strip scarss). His hair loss is too advanced and he doesn't loose anything if doc doesn't make look his back of the head more "ugly" and make there more scars. But his very 1st bad choice was that he got FUT.

Edited by krapok
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Krapok, Your agenda is becoming clearer by the minute..


I didnt know where the patient had his first session. See what time i edited my topic above, before you posted yours. I edited once i had chance to review the patients case. That said we do not know his original state and more than likely patient experienced further native loss over that eight year period. I suppose in your eyes thats Dr Feller fault too. :rolleyes: The patient returned to Dr Feller. Obviously he felt Dr Feller knows his onions and felt he could help him further.


Hey, you clearly feel you know best.. so i will wish you well and opted out of this now as so far off topic.


Keep us well informed on your session. out of interest - who is it intended to be with??



i read your post and posted mine before you decided to edit your post. dind't read your post 2nd time.


But lets turn back to the very 2 posts in this thread. why the hell did you told that FUE is bad and promoted him clearly to have FUT done. If he wanted 2500 FUE grafts then why promote FUT? You even haven't seen his complete hair loss. You have seen only profile pic i guess like everyone else (maybe even this profile pic doesn't belong him). Why to offer FUT. Only because of this that he wanted to have 2500 grafts? I wouldn't suggest anyone to have FUT done first. Do you want that this guy will end up in the future (for example after 8 years) at the same place like we see on the pics what Feller offered to another patient. Do you wanna take away from the patient possibility to shave his head? I just want that this guy who started his thread doesn't make bad decisions, he will be happy in his future life and of course i didn't like that you clearly promoted him to have FUT done.

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Whoa!I can see feelings run strong in this area.For me scarring is out cos I would not want to spend a lot of money and then have to shave my head.As I interact with too many people each day and would not like to appear foolish.My wife is encouraging me to get the treatment and is asking me how am I getting on with suggestions from this website(she is approaching it more from a planning point of view i.e. holidays and we can afford it now).I would prefer to spend up to a year researching it and choosing the correct clinic,procedure and Doctor before proceeding.I have been to the same clinic that James Nesbit had his work done for a consultation(HRBR Dublin).While I was very impressed I cannot afford to have it done there.At 8.50 Euros a graft it would work out at 17,000 Euros for 2,000 grafts

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