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Very thin looking hair after HT

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As some of you know I am a month and 10 days pass my surgery my hair is looking very thin and almost all my existing hair is shedding too. how long I have to wait to see some results.


Also any idea how I can stop my ichy scalp?



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  • Senior Member

As some of you know I am a month and 10 days pass my surgery my hair is looking very thin and almost all my existing hair is shedding too. how long I have to wait to see some results.


Also any idea how I can stop my ichy scalp?



You've experienced shockloss of native hair. I can't say for certain that it will grow back because in some cases it doesn't, and I feel that being overly positive and telling someone that they'll definitely recover all shocked hair is unhelpful considering all the variables, but in most cases it does. It will of course depend partly on how the work was performed as well as on how strong the hairs were. Weaker, thinner hairs that were on the way out have a lower chance of growing back. You will likely have been instructed by your transplant doctor to use Minoxidil (Rogaine) at some point. This can help.


As for the transplanted hair, this will start growing over the next few months. You're right at the stage where it's common to feel that you look worse than before the surgery, and it's the time when patients feel at their lowest and sometimes regret going through with the procedure.


It doesn't sound like you're very familiar with the post-op growth of transplants. You should take a look at photos posted by other patients and see how they looked at various stages after surgery. It'll give you some idea of what to expect.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I concur that the weakest hair may not come back however the stronger hair will rest for 3-4 months and then regrow.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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It looks pretty good to me. Today is my two month mark since my HT and I am also experiencing extensive shedding due to shock loss. I was not told to go on Rogaine or Propecia and am a little worried because I have read posts that talk about shock loss continuing for 6 to 8 months past the surgery. I was also told by the woman who assisted the doc with my surgery that shock loss mostly only happens to women which after reading many posts on this topic it seems like it happens to half or closer to the majority of individuals who have HT regardless of gender. I'm not sure what to do because hair also sheds the first couple of months with rogaine, while propecia will not grow any hair back in the front it may keep me from lossing any more there from shock loss.

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  • Regular Member
It looks pretty good to me. Today is my two month mark since my HT and I am also experiencing extensive shedding due to shock loss. I was not told to go on Rogaine or Propecia and am a little worried because I have read posts that talk about shock loss continuing for 6 to 8 months past the surgery. I was also told by the woman who assisted the doc with my surgery that shock loss mostly only happens to women which after reading many posts on this topic it seems like it happens to half or closer to the majority of individuals who have HT regardless of gender. I'm not sure what to do because hair also sheds the first couple of months with rogaine, while propecia will not grow any hair back in the front it may keep me from lossing any more there from shock loss.


put up some pics...

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