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Short hair shedding at 6 days

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Day 6 post-FUE, and have noticed very short hairs - just straight short stubbles without any bulb / club attachment at the end - are appearing in the sink when I wash the recipient region. Is this normal? I know shedding normally happens weeks 2-4 which is why I wanted to ask advice. Otherwise things appear normal with some of the units growing, and some still sitting there stunted.


Sorry to ask a silly question, but I guess these first few weeks after a HT are beset by paranoia! Must learn to chill! :rolleyes:


Thanks again for your support.



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In the same, boat rws! I'm now 9-12 days post-op (it was 3 day 1967 graft procedure) and am experiencing the same thing. I didn't start to more vigorously wash until Day 9 and have lost quite a few small, stubbly hairs (only a few scabs left).


Also, the donar area is still kinda sore--feels like a sunburn on the scalp and is beginning to be itchy. When scratching, I do have some spots where I get some neuropathic shooting pain. However, each day seems to get a little better...


Curious, when were you told to begin washing the area??? I was told Day 6, but since it was a 3 day procedure, I waited till Day 9--sound right to you guys???


Looking forward to some responses! Good luck rws :)

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Hi azjoe, and thanks Levrais for the info.


Good to know I'm not alone! :) I've done some checking and the stubble loss is normal apparently so it's fine - as long as they're not full grafts with the hair bulb in the sink, then it's fine.


I was told to start washing the full head at day 5 - but only extremely gently (flat hands) and with baby shampoo. I'm probably being over-cautious and just touching the recipient area extremely lightly - then using a cup to pour over soapy water several times, and after that cupping clean water over the head again to rinse in the shower. Since starting to wash the head, I've noticed that the appearance of the recipient region has really improved quickly - redness and scabs subsiding fast.


About the day counting, I had a two-day procedure myself and was told to count the second day as 'day 1'. So it sounds like you've done the right thing.


My donor region started itching and getting a little sore about day 4 - I've found that rubbing on aloe vera gel has really helped that.


Good luck with your progress!



Edited by rws
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I am 11 days post op #2 FUT. The donor is still tender/itchy, Aloe definetly helps that.

I have been washing my donor since day 2 to keep it clean. I strated appllying polysporin ointment & washing the recipient area at day 2 to prevent scabbing. I still have all the donor hair stubs at this point but expect they will be gone in a couple of weeks.


Don't be to shy about keeping both the donor & recipient area clean.


Good luck guys!:)

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