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some questions after 6 months with big 3


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Hey everyone.


So it's been about 6 months since I started taking 1/4 Proscar daily, Rogaine twice daily, and 1% Nizoral twice weekly.


Since I keep my hair pretty long, the only hair loss that I have noticed is in my hairline, which bothers me quite a bit. I don't know if these photos can show much, but I am also not sure if I have seen any change in my hair over the last 6 months, apart from maybe even more recession. I did experience quite a bit of shedding in the first months, but that has slowed down. Now most of the shedding I notice is when I apply the Rogaine foam to my hairline. Now I know that Rogaine isn't for the hairline, but I figured it could help maintain what I still have. Is there any possibility it is actually hurting my results?


Also, you may notice from the pictures, that the recession is pretty uneven from the right temple to the left (one photo is from the mirror and the other isn't, so they are reversed). Is this common? Or -- I part my hair on the side with more recession, so could that be the reason?


I have been considering for a while now getting a transplant at some point in the future, but right now I think I am going to wait and see how the meds pan out for another 6 months or so, and then re-evaluate. Initially my goal was just to try and maintain what I have...however, the possibility of filling out the hairline seems worth it (not anything drastic, just filling out that inward thinning of the forelock). So I have been saving up money and researching doctors. I'm only 24, so I don't want to rush things...but at the same time, I'd like to have a hairline which doesn't make me hate looking in the mirror, and to be able to take advantage of it while I'm still young. I also have a big ol' forehead as it is, and the dark hair doesn't help with the gaps it creates.


I do notice thin little hairs growing in, but I know that doesn't mean much. As far as regrowth goes, I don't have any expectations there.


Just wanted to share with everyone. I also have more pictures of different angles and from different points in time if anyone is interested.




>>Edit: I wasn't sure how to label the pictures, but the first is month 0, and the second is month 6 <<



Edited by cloudhead
clarification on pictures
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  • Senior Member

I'm not sure about how common that sort of recession is, but if you've noticed new hairs, congrats. It doesn't mean you're gonna have full regrowth, but it seems like you've stopped losing and that's a huge deal.

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  • Senior Member

It's difficult to be certain but I think your hair looks slightly improved after six months of treatment. I definitely don't see it as being worse. The receded temples look like they may have recovered a little bit and the forelock looks a bit thicker. You think your hair may have worsened and I'm sure your eyes are showing you more than the photos are showing us, but I'm just saying what I think I see.


Uneven recession is very common. More common that a very symmetrical shape.


Rogaine can help at the hairline. Initially Rogaine and Propecia were not tested for the hairline, but since then I believe studies have supported the heaps of anecdotal evidence that the treatments can work for the hairline, albeit not as well as further back on the scalp.


The thin hairs could possibly thicken over the next six months. That hairs are re-growing at all is a good sign that the potential for the treatments to maintain your hair will be achieved. It seems unlikely that re-growth would occur if the drugs are simultaneously failing to prevent you from losing hair.


If you decide not to get a transplant (or for the time being until you do) I reckon you have enough hair to style in such a way as to hide the extent of your hairloss.


Good luck with everything.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Thanks for the feedback!


I am probably looking at my situation with more of a pessimistic eye, so it is good to get other opinions (even if from limited photos).


@mattj - So uneven recession is common, but does the way I part my hair have anything to do with it, or is it purely coincidental?


Thanks again. I will be sure to update with more results in the coming months.

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  • Regular Member

I have almost the exact hairline as you but mine is a little more progressed and I have a not so good 11 yr old HT which basically does not even help.


Propecia pretty much stopped my hairloss and if I did the big three it would have been a little better.


If I was you I would keep up your regimen for a long time until you know for sure you are not going to regrow hair because once you get a HT you are in for LIFE. If you get a good one that's great but if you get a bad it could be one of the worst decisions you have ever made.


I noticed that around 30 girls do not even care AT ALL about guys with shaved heads. I WISH I could shave my head.

HT #1 Unknown Butcher (1998)

Total about 1500



HT #2 Dr. Alexander (2011)


687 - Singles

1672 - Doubles

10 - Multis

Total 2369


Rogaine Foam



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Thanks for your answer, mattj.


@TroyPolamalu79 - Yeah, I have decided to put off getting a transplant for some time, both for seeing what this current regimen can yield over the course of a year (and longer), and for doing more research on possible surgeons (and saving money). And plus, if my hair loss is slowed down enough, maybe I'll decide in the end not to have a transplant -- and that'll be a nice chunk of money saved!


But we'll see. All in all, though, I am glad I found this website for both its community and research tools.


So thanks again, everyone.

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