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2 Year losing battle


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It has been 2 years since I started the big 3 and I have lost the battle. I started using Rogaine foam a little over 2 years ago to battle a slow temple recession. After 3 months of using the foam, my hair began to shed like crazy. I went to a dermatologist who suggested that I start taking Propecia. I have been using both Propecia and Minoxidil for 2 years as directed, and I have lost a lot of ground. I believe these treatments actually accelerated my hair loss since I never really stopped shedding since the start. I have seen 3 different doctors and they all suggested that I continue using the treatments and that my hair loss has become aggressive. What I don't understand is why did my hair loss become so aggressive right when I started treatment? When I started treatment I was a NW2 and today I am a NW5A quickly approaching a NW6.


My question is whether or not I should stop using Propecia and Minoxidil, or maybe just one of them? I definitely don't want to lose more hair by stopping the treatment. Please tell me what you guys would do in my position or what you have already done. Any other treatments at that you might recommend?


A little history


29yr old healthy male

Uncle on mother's side is a NW7. All the men on my father's side have widows peak but no major hair loss.

Current Regimen: 1mg Propecia daily, Kirkland brand Minoxidil 2xdaily, nizoral 3 times per week.

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If you have been using rogaine for 2 years then definitely stop that treatment. If you have not seen any benefit then slowly wean yourself off the drug, DO NOT suddenly stop using it or you will shed tremendously.


I think continuing to take propecia is a good idea. You might want to try dutasteride since propecia has not worked for you.


I think thats a good idea.



I doubt propecia and rogaine can make you shed for more than a few months. Your hair loss is probably just genetics kicking in a bit late or so...and very suddenly. It's a sad story. I think dutasteride might help you.


You might want to try Platelet Rich Plasma.


Don't try LLLT - it's a scam.


But yeah, try dutasteride in my opinion.


Good luck man.

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BTW are you really sure that your hairloss is androgenic alopecia?


You probably are since you have been to a few doctors. But it just amazes me how fast this has progressed! Perhaps you have sebum problems like some other patients have. I don't know the connection or so here but I have heard of a guy from baldtruthtalk that actually tried propecia and so on and it did nothing, but then he just tried a different shampoo to remove excess sebum and it worked wonders.


Are you sure it is male pattern hair loss?

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