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Everything posted by KeepTheHair

  1. I bought finasteride from 4rx.com I read a bunch of online reviews. Seems legit and at a very good price for finasteride. It's not proscar but it is finasteride, at a cheap price. Let us know if you find a place online that you like better or so, I am also curious. This is the best site I have found so far though. Not sure I am allowed to post links btw. I am in no way affiliated with that site or whatever.
  2. BTW are you really sure that your hairloss is androgenic alopecia? You probably are since you have been to a few doctors. But it just amazes me how fast this has progressed! Perhaps you have sebum problems like some other patients have. I don't know the connection or so here but I have heard of a guy from baldtruthtalk that actually tried propecia and so on and it did nothing, but then he just tried a different shampoo to remove excess sebum and it worked wonders. Are you sure it is male pattern hair loss?
  3. If you have been using rogaine for 2 years then definitely stop that treatment. If you have not seen any benefit then slowly wean yourself off the drug, DO NOT suddenly stop using it or you will shed tremendously. I think continuing to take propecia is a good idea. You might want to try dutasteride since propecia has not worked for you. I think thats a good idea. I doubt propecia and rogaine can make you shed for more than a few months. Your hair loss is probably just genetics kicking in a bit late or so...and very suddenly. It's a sad story. I think dutasteride might help you. You might want to try Platelet Rich Plasma. Don't try LLLT - it's a scam. But yeah, try dutasteride in my opinion. Good luck man.
  4. THE LASERCOMB IS A SCAM. Dude, the media doesn't understand hairloss they just want something that will make a good story. Also, ***IT HAS NOT BEEN FDA APPROVED***. It is ONLY CLEARED for *SAFETY* not for hair regrowth, only SAFETY. They cleverly word this on their website. But it is only safe, not effective. Even in their own study they find that the placebo group did better! I have not heard a single person or a single bit of anecdotal evidence that this garbage device does anything! It's a waste of time and money. Low Level laser Therapy and the Hairmax Lasercomb = Scam, ripoff. It is NOT FDA approved. Only cleared for safety.
  5. I'd like to bump this one. I have heard of a lot of people using the Hairmax lasercomb. No one has reported any regrowth or anything. I have heard of people who spend thousand and thousands of dollars on LLLT and always get no results at all. Low Level Laser Therapy is NOT effective in the treatment of hairloss or hair regrowth. It is a scam industry that has somehow got doctors behind it. I personally lose any respect I might have had for a doctor who supports LLLT since I was interested in this comb but it just does not have any evidence that it works. Even from their own clinical trials the placebo users DID BETTER than the hairmax lasercomb trials. Hairmax LaserComb is a huge scam and a ripoff. It is a HUGE waste of time and money!!! LLLT SUCKS AND IT IS INEFFECTIVE.
  6. I bought finasteride from 4rx.com. It has not arrived yet, only ordered yesterday. It looks trustworthy and I have read good reviews all over the net. They are a major supplier. Extremely good prices.
  7. The HairMax LaserComb is a huge scam. It is a total ripoff and there is no evidence that it works, not even a little bit. Their studies show a DECREASE in hair. LESS hair than the control group. NO ONE has reported success with this garbage device. Ask your money back if it is still possible. And spread the world so that these cheap scum will stop making money from the balding community. Low Level Laser Therapy is ineffective. WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. Rogaine does work. Give it a try for a few months and see how that goes.
  8. The Hairmax LaserComb is a ripoff. It is ineffective. I was interested in Low Level Laser Therapy for awhile but I really can not find ANY evidence that it works, not even slightly. Don't waste your money on lasers.
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