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Everything posted by Ole81

  1. It has been 2 years since I started the big 3 and I have lost the battle. I started using Rogaine foam a little over 2 years ago to battle a slow temple recession. After 3 months of using the foam, my hair began to shed like crazy. I went to a dermatologist who suggested that I start taking Propecia. I have been using both Propecia and Minoxidil for 2 years as directed, and I have lost a lot of ground. I believe these treatments actually accelerated my hair loss since I never really stopped shedding since the start. I have seen 3 different doctors and they all suggested that I continue using the treatments and that my hair loss has become aggressive. What I don't understand is why did my hair loss become so aggressive right when I started treatment? When I started treatment I was a NW2 and today I am a NW5A quickly approaching a NW6. My question is whether or not I should stop using Propecia and Minoxidil, or maybe just one of them? I definitely don't want to lose more hair by stopping the treatment. Please tell me what you guys would do in my position or what you have already done. Any other treatments at that you might recommend? A little history 29yr old healthy male Uncle on mother's side is a NW7. All the men on my father's side have widows peak but no major hair loss. Current Regimen: 1mg Propecia daily, Kirkland brand Minoxidil 2xdaily, nizoral 3 times per week.
  2. Yomommyz, I have the exact same experience with Propecia. I started propecia at a NW 2 and in less then 2 years i am now a NW5. The Shedding never seemed to stop with both treatments. I use both treatments as recommended and all they seemed to do is accelerate my hair loss. It has now been about a year and 9 months and I am going to throw in the towl.
  3. Hi Guys, Thanks for your responses. I guess I have to make the tough decision of whether to stop using Propecia or keep using it and hope that some of the shedded hair returns.
  4. Hi Guys, I have been on Propecia for 13 months and I haven't seen any results. I was probably NW 2 when I started Propecia and now I am a NW 4a with major thinning throughout my scalp. A month after starting propecia I began shedding alot of hair which I heard was normal but none of the shedded hair has returned. Do you guys think I should stop taking Propecia?
  5. Hi Bill, Thank you for the Reply. I read that it is important to find the cause of your hair loss because if it is caused by something other then DHT it can cause scarring and other permanent damage. I was wondering how long it would take for something like that to happen?
  6. Hi Guys, I am 28 years old and I started to notice that my hairline was receding about a year and half ago. I decided to try Rogaine foam but after 3 months on Rogaine my hair started getting thin in the areas I applied it. I went to dermatologist who diagnosed my hair loss as MPH by doing a hair pull test. He prescribed me propecia which I have been taking for 1 year now and told me to stop using rogaine. During the first 4 to 5 months on propecia I was shedding a lot of hair. In the past year I went from a Norwood 2 to a Norwood 5. So after one year on propecia I have not seen any of the shedded hair grow back. I am wondering if the dermatologist diagnosis was incorrect and have a question for you guys. If my hair loss was caused from a hormonal imbalance or some other medical problem how long would it take for permanent damage to happen to my scalp? What is the best way for me to determine the cause of my hair loss? My current regimen is. 1mg Propecia per day. Monixidil (vertex) twice a day. Nizoral 3-4 times per week
  7. Hi Everyone, I was reading some post about people having experiencing extreme shedding from their frontal hairline after starting propecia. I am experiencing the same problem. I started taking propecia because I noticed a little thinning on the top of my scalp and now my entire frontal hairline is gone. Has anyone who has experienced this same type frontal shedding recovered? Everyone seems to say that shedding is normal processes but with my hairline I am starting to become nervous. Best Regards
  8. Hi Everyone, I was reading some post about people having experiencing extreme shedding from their frontal hairline after starting propecia. I am experiencing the same problem. I started taking propecia because I noticed a little thinning on the top of my scalp and now my entire frontal hairline is gone. Has anyone who has experienced this same type frontal shedding recovered? Everyone seems to say that shedding is normal processes but with my hairline I am starting to become nervous. Best Regards
  9. Hi Guys, Thank you for your feedback. Do you think I should start using the Rogaine again to help grow back the hair that shedded from it? once I started shedding i went to the doctor and he recommended that I start taking Propecia (which also caused alot more shed) so I stopped using the Roagaine 3 months ago and only take the Propecia. Thanks
  10. I am new to the forum and have found a lot of useful information here. I would like to ask for some advice from you guys. I started using Rogaine about 6 months ago because I noticed that my hair line was starting to recede a little. After about 2 months of Rogaine my hair began to shed pretty bad and I could start to see my scalp. I went to the doctor and he recommended propecia. I stopped taking the Rogaine after about 4 months and started the propecia. After taking the propecia for 2 weeks I started shedding again. I have been experiencing this shedding now for about 3months and I am worried that it won't stop. I have read that shedding is a common reaction to both propecia and Rogaine but it is now to the point where I have almost no hair on the frontal are of my scalp. Will the hair grow back even if I stopped using the Rogaine? Have any of you experienced this? Best Regards
  11. I am new to the forum and have found a lot of useful information here. I would like to ask for some advice from you guys. I started using Rogaine about 6 months ago because I noticed that my hair line was starting to recede a little. After about 2 months of Rogaine my hair began to shed pretty bad and I could start to see my scalp. I went to the doctor and he recommended propecia. I stopped taking the Rogaine after about 4 months and started the propecia. After taking the propecia for 2 weeks I started shedding again. I have been experiencing this shedding now for about 3months and I am worried that it won't stop. I have read that shedding is a common reaction to both propecia and Rogaine but it is now to the point where I have almost no hair on the frontal are of my scalp. Will the hair grow back even if I stopped using the Rogaine? Have any of you experienced this? Best Regards
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