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Receding hairline


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Been a long-time reader on the boards, just decided to make the effort and join in today :)


Now onto my hair-loss story:


My hair-line started receding as far as 6 years-ago (around age 14) but accelerated quite noticeably in the past 2 years. At the moment balding isn't noticeable with my current hair style which is a pull-down with short fringes unless hair is pulled back.


Hair-line is approximately 2cm above where an average 20-year old hair line would be.


In my family all males on my mother side including my grand and uncles are bald. My father is bald as well.


I wouldn't mind losing hair when I get to 35-40 but I do think that its a bit unfair to start losing hair to this extent at my age (I'm 20 turning 21 in a few months) I've been contemplating on some sort of treatment for the past few years but I've become quite desparate of late and decided to take action.


So I racked up all the courage that I have and went to visit a local GP, I just said to him "I'm losing hair on my temples and I'm determined to get prescription for Propecia" and he just gave me a blank look and asked what propecia was. He promised to call back in a few days time after he has done some reading on the drug but I'm not getting my hopes up to get a prescription from him.


I've done an extensive reading on the matter of hair loss and treatments - both surgical and non-surgical. I'm aware that Propecia and Minoxidil are only clinically proven to be effective on the crown area but I also discovered stories of people with some regrowth on the frontals there and there. If there are anyone with such experience please share your story with me. :)


As for regrowth from drug treatment, generally what type of baldness is eligible for a regrowth?


When I look closely in the mirror, on the 2cm high bald area under my hairline, I noticed tiny (you have to look very closely under a good amount of light) hairs covering the area. Could that mean my hair follicles are somewhat still alive? Can I expect some form of regrowth in that area once I start taking Propecia + minoxidil?


I've got a lot more questions to ask but I'll stop here as I don't want to discourage potential readers with a wall of texts


Thank you for reading :)

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  • Senior Member

Hi there! Welcome to the forum and i believe u have come to the right place, a one stop service forum pertaining to hair loss :)


As u might have read, i believe u are still quite young for a HT and i am glad u r considering finasteride and minoxidil. Typically, finasteride can help u save some of the follicles which are dormant. I am a long time user of minoxidil and i do not think it was really helpful in saving my hairline but rather the crown. You might want to look at Nizoral 2% shampoo which has a slight % of DHT inhibitor. These are the 3 typical and scientific proven methods to help prevent hair loss.


You might want to post some pics for the seniors to comment more!


Once again, welcome!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member

You sound like you are in a similar position to me, I am only 18 and my hair is receding and has been for a while. It has recently become more noticeable, so I shaved it all off, which does make the contrast between thinning hair and thick hair less obvious, although it does expose your hairline. I still have these fine vellus hairs at my hairline, which are visible in certain light but worryingly absent in others! I have been on finasteride for about 6 months and it does not seem to have achieved much yet, but I an remaining hopeful! I have also just started Kirkland 5% minoxidil in an attempt to thicken up the thin hairs at my hairline, but only been on it about a week so no opinion formed yet.

You have done the right thing in trying to get hold of finasteride, and even if you can not get a prescription there are ways of getting hold of it online, if you are willing to go down that route, good luck!

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