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My HT experience's


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Hello , having been mostly an observer on this site and reading HT experiences from other people , some good and not so good, i decided to post my own experience with HT. Im 49 now and i had my first HT back in 1989 in atlanta , ga but how my journey began first started in new Jersey with me reading an ad in a magazine about how you could have a full head of hair permantly . Well i checked into this because i was losing my hair and after talking with the Rep. there my friend, who was also losing his hair , and i were off to New Jersey.

Well once we got there and were decieved by there procedure and how it was done we went ahead anyways , well what they did was put suturs in our scalp , and it hurt like heck , and attached a wig to it basically an there was our full head of hair.

We left there in shock at what had just happened and $1400 lighter in the pocket but it was too late of course , well as the weeks went on it did not look too bad but we were not happy with the results . Well one of my suturs came loose and i called them and they told me of a place in atlanta that they work with which was closer for me to travel so i called and they said they could fix the problem just come on down.

well i got there and they said yes we can fix this , well after complaining about how i hated it they began telling me of other options they could offer which was to give me another " hair piece " basically that would look much better or HTs.

Since i was not happy with the "fake hair" i decided to try HTs with really very little info about the procedure i took the plunge . They told me i would not get the "doll effect" and the used the strip procedure but the grafs were still plugs , i still had a good bit of hair so you could not tell i had anything done.

Well after 7 of those strip procedures from 1989 to 1996 the work did not look too bad and with each procedure came a newer technique using smaller grafs but with each procedure my donor area was getting thin back there but was not told this of course. My hair was still pretty thick but i could not cut my hair too short back there

and it was only about 3 yrs ago that the scars really started to stretch noticably and has gotten thinner back there. Now during this time i have had to wear a hard hat for work and not sure if that has contributed to this but i was starting to panic, well after looking into trying to cover this up i contacted the doctor who originally did most of my Hts.

He told me of his new procedure and i went to him in june of 2010 and had 200 grafs placed in the scar area......I really like this procedure it far less invasive than the strip for sure and i would like to have some more work back there but there is a probelm now. A month before my schedule session i had major blockage in my heart and now i am on blood thinners , i almost canceled the procedure but the doctor suggested trying it and was not sure if i would bleed much and to our suprise i did not.

Anyways im still unsure about the furtue with any more Hts but i wanted to share my story which if i had to do it again i would not sorry for the long post but thanks for your time.

Oh no pics on here yet but hope to soon.

Edited by TakingThePlunge
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  • Senior Member

Wow, I hate to hear about people that regret it...which suprises me casue you said you have a pretty good amount of hair.


How old were you when you did your first proceedure?

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I was 28 yrs old when i had my first HT, the reason i said i regreted it now is because of the scars left in the donor area and yes i do have thick hair but because of so many strip procedures my donor area has gotten very thin.

And like i said in the last couple of yrs i can tell it more , im not sure if its because of me wearing a hard hat that has caused the scars to stretch more but it has gotten a lot thinner back there. Now i did have some CIT grafs placed in the donor area and it helped with some coverage but i will still need to have more done.

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