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After watching, and posting, on this site for a while now, I still can't believe how many people are either put off by bad experiences with Hair Systems, or lack any real knowledge of them and are basing their opinions on the experiences of others.


Okay, I'll backtrack - the experiences of others are damn good learning tools but, ultimatley, you have to learn to decide for yourself.


Of the most common questions I've read lately the following keep coming up:


Can you really get a realistic looking hairline?

Is the maintenance really that bad?

Will it look like a "wig"?


Here are the answers:




That depends on you, and how well you research and how much of an idea you have about what you're looking for.


If anyone wants any impartial, unbiased by company help with questions and info, ask away. If you're feeling lucky, I might even reply...




THG :-)

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  • Regular Member


i have only seen guys with long hair system have u seen any buzzed cut kind of system?? or can u get one like that for the hairline? what does maintainance involve.im seriosly considering one until i get my ht done. your answer will be highly appriciated.thanks b82

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  • Regular Member

Hey There,


I think, in all honestly, to keep it real the shortest you can buzz down to would be about two inches, maybe just slightly under. Anything shorter than that I'm not too sure it'll work. That said, I could be wrong.


Actually, I am wrong. I remember talking to a guy who has afro-caribean hair, and his system is a about a quarter to half an inch in length, and looks amazing! Not sure how that would work on a western hair type of system - you'll have to check that out - but I guess it shows that it can be done.


The key is going for a fairly light density, otherwise you end up looking like John Travolta in his buzzed down system... not good.


As for maintenance - the shorter period of time you keep it attached, the easier the maintenance is. 10-14 days is a good time frame. Usually takes about an hour, including washing your hair in the shower.

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by TheHairGuy:



Here's a few random shots from different sites - good, close-up style material.




Here's a women's system, straight from the shower by the look of it...




And here's a gallery from a good UK based company...



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  • Regular Member

Sorry Bro, but when I zoom in on the second pic I can totally see the lace, and where the hair is tied into it (black dots). Im glad that you are happy with it, and most people would never know the difference. BUT, there are some that will recognize it, and we know that human nature is to gossip. In my opinion its not worth the humiliation. I used to wear one as well, once I started getting a few eye drifters looking up at my hair, I knew I made a horrible decision. Not only that but the maintenance and the smell after a couple weeks if you are an active person is unbearable.

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  • Regular Member

Hey Sham,


The second picture where the knots are visible about three inches into the system - easy solution:


Order your system with fully bleached knots. Obviously, she didn't. Secondly, the only way you can see those knots on that system is by zooming in closer than you would ever be to an actual person. Ever. If you notice, you're zoomed in so close that you can see the tiny little regrowth baby hairs from her natural hairline poking through... that's pretty damn close. That's micro-close. Same for the lace. You're actually seeing the glare from the camera flash reflecting off the adhesive, giving you an outline of the lace.


In real life, and unless you tape your eyelid to your lover's scalp, you would NEVER see either of those. I'm guessing you don't do that whole eyelid thing. Me neither.


As for "humiliation"... man, I hate that old chestnut. It's nearly 2010. Women have fake breasts and are happy to talk about it as a positive thing to, well, pretty mcuh anyone. People have dental cosmetics and lazer eye surgery, and talk about it all the time. Don't you think we should lose the stigma, by now? If it looks good, it is good. If you feel good, mission accomplished.


As for "the smell"? That's a new one on me. Tell me about it.


THG :-)

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You know, I've never liked hairpieces as they never seemed natural, but given some of the alternatives in years gone by, they certainly have their place.


Think about Andre Agassi. Had he had a hair transplant instead of a 'weave' or hairpiece many years ago, he would have been left with scars and very poor looking results (pluggy hairline, wide strip, etc.), given the technology of the day. Instead, he finally shed the hairpiece and now sports the shaved look.


Ditto for: Sean Connery, Bruce Willis, and many others.


However, for me, it's not so much the hairline that's the giveaway (on a good system, at least), but how it "fits" to the rest of the hair. There always seems to be that telltale line of how it fits to the rest of the hair on the sides and back.


Anyhow, these are just my observations, as the needs and solutions vary for each patient given the circumstances.




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Originally posted by mgem:

I think there will always be a stigma sbout wearing a hairpiece


Suppose a woman comes up to you and you go "Whoa, love your hair!". She tells you it's all extensions, and her actual hair is pretty thin and whispy! You react in shock, because you'd never have known.


Good hair system. Same as. ;-)

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  • 2 months later...
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How does mine look? I have attached it to this post. Pretty darn good if I do say so myself! And I get compliments all of the time...


I think if you have help learning the entire process - including how to order your system - you can absolutely achieve a very realistic look.


Let me know what you think!


DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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Hi Lynette,


I have been following you for awhile over on "the other place" and I just want to say that I think you look wonderful. I am a guy who started losing hair in his teens and resorted to hair transplants with mixed results. I would rather correct/improve what I have done as much as possible, but at times the idea of a system seems very appealing. Frankly though after my last surgery nearly 15 years ago, I don't know if physically or emotionally I could go through another.


You and I are around the same age and I can certainly relate to your accounts of how hairloss has affected you. Luckily we both have supportive spouses and families but it is difficult for others to know what its like if they have not "been there". My biggest concern at this stage is that I feel this is impacting me professionally, drastically limiting options/opportunities, etc.


I think you have found something that works beautifully for you and I appreciate all the expert advice,wise counsel, and emotional support you have given others. I've really learned a lot from you!



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Thanks for the kind comments! It's so great to know that I've been able to have a positive impact on you. When you are ready to try something new, I'll be here to help.


Surgery wasn't an option for me...so that's how I ended up wearing hair. I've never looked back though and it was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. I totally understand when you say it is limiting options/opportunities, etc. I felt the exact same thing in my past professional life.


The awesome thing about wearing hair is that if you try it and don't like it, it isn't permanent. If you do like it, great for you! There really isn't much risk to giving it a shot!


Good luck to you!

DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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Not sure if you are going to see this, but thanks so much for the kind response and support. You are correct, HTs are not for everyone. In my case the early balding had made me miserable (remember, this was the "big hair" obsessed 80's) and to just live with it was unacceptable to me. Propecia and Rogaine were still several years away. To shave one's head was not mainstream like it is today. Although many men look fabulous like this, for obvious reasons I will never be one of those guys.


With that said, there is a feeling I must "finish what I started" with what likely will be my last go around. To improve the hairline and frontal core as much as possible, I need a top doc, especially with corrective procedures. I might then consider a partial, light density system for the crown, however that really doesn't bother me too much.


Thanks again for all you do and take care!



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Happy Valentine's Day! Of course I saw your message. I'm frequenting a lot of forums now...I lost my job in June and then had a pretty terrible horse riding accident, so I'm still recuperating. As you can see, all of this free time coupled with the lack of employment is what sparked my desire to start a new business...doing what rewards me most - helping to teach others how to wear hair. I've been able to help people from all around the world and there is no feeling like it in the world.


I just did a webinar (via a webcam on my computer) with a 12 year old girl who had lost all of her hair with alopecia. I took off my hair for her, showed her (and her parents) how to clean it and reattach it and the thank you letter and pictures of her wearing hair afterwards actually brought me to tears. Nothing can beat moments like that. I've done hundreds of those types of webcasts because so many people want to know what wearing hair entails before they buy the hair. Makes sense, right?


Anyway, thanks again for the kind comments and if you don't see me on this forum you can always email me directly!


Have a fabulous day!


DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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