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First weekend after HT


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Valid points! Worth mentioning both details...:)


Post operative pain from the strip area. The actual grafts were not bad at all! I didn't hurt at all from them, although I did a big-old caveman swelled forehead for about three days afterward. The pain was bad enough I could not sleep, I could not really eat, couldn't go back to work three days later. I actually got motion sick riding in a car...mind you my job is teaching racing. I am in a car at speed most of the time...I rode in a minivan to Target and literally was nauseous.


As for density, I don't expect to look like Brad Pitt. I simply wanted to rebuild the lines where I feel they needed it most. It actually looked far more dense in person than a camera would have you think. The doctor even commented that it should be sufficient to give the look of density. I know it won't be dense, not like some of you guys have. I have simply been amazed by the effort and care put into some of your stories. Simply amazing. Doc explained it to me that you really don't even notice thinning until about 50% of your natural hair is gone. In that case, you only need 50% coverage to get back to where you can't tell. Go figure that one! :)


Ironically, I am 6' tall and most people didn't even notice I was as far bald as I was. Now in hindsight I would have opted for a solid 3000 but we rarely choose the lessons we learn. The hair I do have is healthy and it is relatively short. It could be the case that I am interested in FUE in the future but strip method for me is probably out in my future. Just too painful. I cannot take codeine without getting sick and I was too scared to take codone and have a similar reaction. The most I had for pain was 3 Advil at a time. Needless to say that sucked.


My biggest concern was not looking "pluggy". If my next photograph doesn't have a shiny spot on my head, I'll be pretty dang happy!


Oh, for cost, I got it for under 4.50 a graft. Some places charge more once you cross the 2000 threshold in one session. They didn't and I ended up getting 147 "on the house" as they had the extra. Not a bad deal and a big savings...its that $451 a month for two years that sucks...



Edited by Joemomma
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Several times you mentioned price being a big concern of yours. So I'm trying to figure out your reasoning.


Nothing against Bosley, but I don't understand how they charge $4.50 per graft as their special discount. Also, was it $4.50 per graft plus the "$840 for additional lab, meds, shampoo, sprays, etc."


For example, coalition doctors True & Dorin, charge $4 per graft inclusive. If price was such a concern and if that was their "best price ever" as you mentioned, you could have taken a train to NYC and saved yourself at least $1,300 or even $2,200 (if Bosley charged you for the extra $840 for lab, meds, shampoo, sprays etc).


I paid a flat rate of $4 per graft all inclusive and I too ended up getting like 96 for free.... just saying.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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spend a lot of money on repair.

Wondering about that...some of you all have had to get redone what you had worked over....how does that work when you have a guarantee that it will grow? I am not sure I understand. If you have a money back guarantee per hair and they don't grow you get your money back. Not sure I see where that doesn't work. What did you have to have undone? I do hear that on this forum and am unsure what that means.


I ended up at 4.35 per graft. Not bad and I didn't have to travel, take off from work, etc. That was very competitive for the DC metro region; I priced several locations. As it was I was able to only miss two days of work and slept (if you call it that) in my own bed that night. My issue was a fearful one; known entitiy versus unknown. You guys got bigger cahones than I do...


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JM - Thanks for your posts. Really let me know what to expect in terms of aftercare and pain management. How are you doing now?


I'm not sure how you did it with only Advil! I've got a pretty high pain tolerance, but I was on the phone the next day requesting better pain meds. Kudos to you!

Edited by DHT1212
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Actually about a month post op now and seeing amazing growth results for this amount of time! I have been getting the pimple/bumps and then the next day a little hair. I probably have 200 little hairs growing in around the widows peak area. Yay! Come on little guys, I just made my first payment...your turn to come on out and play.


Pain is almost a distant memory at this point. I still have a fair amount of numbness on one side of the donor scar (top of my head is less sensitive to touch, temperature) and I feel like I am wearing a headband around that area if I rest my head against something. That is fading. My incision scar is pretty good sized, width wise too. No wonder the darn thing hurt!


Good luck to you with pain management. Just lay low for a while, and REALLY do it. Don't get all worked up sitting around and then try and fix stuff, clean the house, etc. I really did overdo things right after the procedure. I should have taken a few weeks and not done anything. I was just getting antsy and I think now it made things worse.


Will post some 1 month pics this weekend (hopefully). I have not had my helmet back on either since this was done...last track day was the weekend before my surgery in December. It will be interesting to see how that goes!



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Sounds good, you have to be excited for the results. I'm about day 4. For me, pain is way down and I can turn my head again. Feeling good again.


I'm definitely laying low. I'm a little concerned about where I'm gonna be at in another week. Any problems with returning to work at week 2?

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You'll be good to in a week, no problem. I had to pull my furnace apart 10 days into things...I could hang with that, you can do work no sweat. I was still really sore and got drained quickly but that was mostly from lack of quality sleep. Hard to sleep sitting up, etc.


Here are some pics of my 1 month out appearance. Most of the little hairs of course have fallen out, despite my request to them to stay. I even offered to take them out for a hamburger. Alas, they opted for the drain... eh, whatever :)


I think I can definitely see some shock loss of my native hair in these shots. Looks much thinner to me than back a few weeks ago. Hopefully that will come on down again.





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