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I can only speak for myself, but I was truely miserable the night of my HT. I'm highly resistant to drugs so the pain killer didnt do much for me, most likely you wont have that problem icon_smile.gif

For whatever reason, the next night I was able to sleep fine. The pain and discomfort only lasted on the day of my surgery, everything else was a non-issue. As for the shower, ask your doctor. I wouldnt recommend it though. The last thing I wanted was for ANYTHING to touch my head, that included water. I hope you picked a quality doctor, & good luck with your HT!

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  • Senior Member

Taking a shower is not a big deal, just put a plastic shower cap over your head to keep water for getting on it the first night.


As far as sleeping, if you take your meds like instructed it's not that bad, you have to sleep inclined or sitting up-- I just put 4-5 pillows on my bed--another time I slept in a recliner. Also, keeping ice on the donor area will also help in the discomfort as well as the swelling.

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  • Senior Member

Sleeping after strip surgery is not that comfortable. You are all stitched up and the tension is very noticable.

I can honoustly say that I slept just as any other day after an FUE procedure.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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This is just me, but.....take a bath instead of a shower (still wearing a shower cap). Sleeping wasnt any problem. My doc gave me something to help with pain/sleep. I used it the first nite even though I didn't think I needed it (I just wanted to make sure I slept very comfortably all night). After that, the pills just sat in a cabinet.

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