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*Liquid Minoxodil...

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You guys suggested I start using liquid minoxodil in my previous post once a day - because I had said I didn't want to deal with the side effects of Propecia... (a possible permenant decrease in lebito... no thanks.) So I'm 99% I can buy/deal with the liquid minoxodil as needed. I also stated that I'm young and my hair loss is just starting to get worse, so you also suggested that minoxodil is a good route for the beginning of hair loss. I just have a couple questions before I start:


- What can I expect? Does liquid minoxodil only help 'keep what I have,' or have any of you had actual regrowth from it alone?


- If you've used it, what DID you experience?


- You suggested using it once a day, but would it be a good idea to use it 2-3 a day instead? I shave my head so I'm not too worried about the grease look...


- Would sweat/being in the sun affect the outcome of minoxodil, or damage my current hair?


- When could I expect results, (which also factors into my first questino, what results can I expect?)


Thanks guys - any last comments about me not wanting to use Propecia would be appreciated, as I was supposed to pick up my bloodwork forms and get the prescription today. Worth the risk, am I over-reacting? I've heard a lot more good things about Propecia than the rest, but the side effects are nuts.

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  • Regular Member

You guys suggested I start using liquid minoxodil in my previous post once a day - because I had said I didn't want to deal with the side effects of Propecia... (a possible permenant decrease in lebito... no thanks.) So I'm 99% I can buy/deal with the liquid minoxodil as needed. I also stated that I'm young and my hair loss is just starting to get worse, so you also suggested that minoxodil is a good route for the beginning of hair loss. I just have a couple questions before I start:


- What can I expect? Does liquid minoxodil only help 'keep what I have,' or have any of you had actual regrowth from it alone?


- If you've used it, what DID you experience?


- You suggested using it once a day, but would it be a good idea to use it 2-3 a day instead? I shave my head so I'm not too worried about the grease look...


- Would sweat/being in the sun affect the outcome of minoxodil, or damage my current hair?


- When could I expect results, (which also factors into my first questino, what results can I expect?)


Thanks guys - any last comments about me not wanting to use Propecia would be appreciated, as I was supposed to pick up my bloodwork forms and get the prescription today. Worth the risk, am I over-reacting? I've heard a lot more good things about Propecia than the rest, but the side effects are nuts.

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I am 23 and used propecia for two years. I didn't think it worked on my hair and had the sexual side effects that I did not like at all, so I had to get off of it. I decided to get a hair transplant because it was the only option I really had left besides shaving my head. Since I have been off the pill for about 9 months, I can notice the rest of my hair getting thinner which is kind of a bummer. No I know I am probably got to need another h/t in the near future to compensate for this.

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  • Senior Member

Hey AnyonymousGuy,



What can I expect? Does liquid minoxodil only help 'keep what I have,' or have any of you had actual regrowth from it alone?


Generally speaking, the earlier you start Minoxidil - the better the results. What result you will see is impossible to say, theres a very good chance it can halt or atleast slow your loss. Will it regrow anything? who knows.



If you've used it, what DID you experience?


I experienced a halt in hairloss, but this could be down to Finasteride or a combination, I also had vellus growth (small fine hair) which I believe was down to the Minoxidil.



You suggested using it once a day, but would it be a good idea to use it 2-3 a day instead? I shave my head so I'm not too worried about the grease look...


Most people use it twice a day, there is some evidence that due to the half life of the drug, a one day application will give you almost, if not the same results. You don't apply it more then twice.


Would sweat/being in the sun affect the outcome of minoxodil, or damage my current hair?


You should allow the solution to dry before sweating or going in the sun, this can take a few hours with the liquid and maybe 10-30 mins if you use Rogaine Foam.



When could I expect results, (which also factors into my first questino, what results can I expect?)


Again, this is something you can only find out by trying it, 3 month is usually the earliest you will see any difference.

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