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Everything posted by AnyonymousGuy

  1. *So I've been using 5% Minoxodil for 4 months now, and I just wanted to give you guys an update. I was a curious guy when I first started posting here, and minoxodil seemed like the best solution for me. - At one point, I had been to a hair appointment and was about to be prescibed Propecia - but I chickened out at the last minute because of the side-effects I had heard about. (Loss of sex drive mainly.) - Everyone suggested minoxodil, because the side effects are far less common. *SO FAR: No results guys. Bummer right? But I'm still going! I really wanted to post an update here because it's been months, and I'm just wondering if I should quit using it, or continue on. (?) I apply it with the droplet thing every day and night, and I rub it especially on the front of my hairline when I need it the most. I zoom in everyday in a mirror lol, but I'm not seeing any new hairs sprouting yet. What do you guys suggest? Also, I haven't gotten any side-effects yet either. (No unwanted hair growth,) - I figure I should mention that as well... Keep going, or is it just not going to work for me? Has anyone else traveled the same path, and gotten results AFTER 4 months??
  2. Anyone??? I'm checking everyday for this reply lol...
  3. - I've been using minoxidil for about 2 weeks now, twice a day. (No results yet,) - but that's not surprising considering it says that it can take up to 6 months to see results. I'm using it on the crown of my head, along with the front 'temples' of my head... and along the sides. (1ml though, I'm not over-doing it.) 5% minoxidil... 1. I was reading that minoxidil can cause heart irregularities. Is this true? Can it really effect your heart, eventhough it's nothing more than drops on your head??? 2. More importantly... I've also read that minoxidil can cause 'unwanted hair growth' in places OTHER than your scalp. Think about this logically with me... If you drop some on your head and it runs down onto your ears everyday, (or forhead,) - I can see why it COULD eventually grow hair in those places. *BUT* - if you're careful, (and keep it on your hair, not running anywhere,) - are these effects STILL POSSIBLE? This is something I'm extremely curious about. Can I end up growing 'hair on my ears' or 'hair on my forhead,' - EVEN IF I'm careful and don't let it drip on to those areas? (Basically, can the 'unwanted growth in other places' happen even if you're careful, and don't make REAL PHYSICAL CONTACT with the minoxdil and those areas?) Thanks. Getting nervous here...
  4. *Thanks for the replies guys. I just want to make sure that using my T-Gel in the shower... hopping out, drying my hair - than using the Minoxodil a couple minutes later isn't too much. (Know what I mean? I don't want it to be too much scalp treatment in such a small period of time,) - UNLESS this is ok to do. Nobody else uses T-Gel with their hair regrowth treatments? T-Gel was recommended to me a while back, (and I saw it in a few treatment plans people had created for themselves,) so I went for it. Just want to make sure I'm not "overkilling" here. I assume that one is shampoo, the other is skin treatment, so it might be ok.
  5. *I finally bought myself Minoxodil 5% to start a routine - try to regrow the thinning that's beginning in the front of my scalp. Here's the problem: - The box/instructions specifically say that it's intended for the crown! It says that using it on the front of the scalp may have "no effect," - and another label on the box says not use it there at all. My question is simple though: 1. What other Minoxodil would be any different? I'm saying this sarcastically... Wouldn't you think that Minoxodil 5% is the same, regardless of where it says to use it, and NOT to use it? I was told to use Minoxodil if I didn't want to deal with the side effects of Propecia... Now I'm worried that this 'crown only' warning is just as bad? Is the box too cautious?? Hopefully there isn't some special "frontal scalp" minoxodil... Which I don't believe there is. 2. I also bought some 2 in 1 daily control T-Gel to go along with my Minoxodil I'm starting. (I want to start tomarrow.) My plan is to use the T-Gel in the shower everyday, (to reduce dandruff/itching,) - than use the minoxodil once my hair dries. Is this a good routine for early thinning, or am I doing something wrong?? Thanks guys - I'll wait for your replies to pull the trigger and start it up.
  6. I read a lot of posts about Propecia 'only being effective in the crown area.' The first post I ever made on this board was in regard to not wanting to start taking Propecia, (due to the sexual side effects I thought I saw happening from a measely 1 week sample!) - so I still haven't followed through with the bloodwork to move along in the process. (I had my hair appointment, came here before persuing the bloodwork to get the prescription.) I want to start it BAD because tons of people have said that even if only effects the crown, I'd say 99% of the reviews I've read have the common suggestion that your remaining hair stays in-tact. So far I'm only receding in the front of my scalp - So you guys recommended Minoxodil, and this is what I'm most likely going with. I haven't heard any horror stories from negative side effects outside of 'possibly using it on your hands a lot of and growing unwanted hair.' Can anybody comment on this, or has anybody run into this? That's question one. Question two - can I get some result feedbacks from people who use STRICTLY minoxodil?? Lastly, can Minoxodil effect my hairline in the front, (aside from my crown,) - because it's applied where you physically put it? (Unlike Propecia, a pill. You rub Minoxodil on yourself...) - Have any of you restored and regrown a ton from just Minoxodil, or is just Minoxodil alone not enough? I need to tackle this now since I'm hopping out of the Propecia experiment. Sucks - sounded like it works, but I'm too young for those side effects. Thanks for whatever replies I can get - and I plan on completely doing what I'm told here, and posting my results. My pics aren't too neccessary because I don't have a ton of loss yet, just thinning about an inch or two on the left/right side of the front of my hairline.
  7. You guys suggested I start using liquid minoxodil in my previous post once a day - because I had said I didn't want to deal with the side effects of Propecia... (a possible permenant decrease in lebito... no thanks.) So I'm 99% I can buy/deal with the liquid minoxodil as needed. I also stated that I'm young and my hair loss is just starting to get worse, so you also suggested that minoxodil is a good route for the beginning of hair loss. I just have a couple questions before I start: - What can I expect? Does liquid minoxodil only help 'keep what I have,' or have any of you had actual regrowth from it alone? - If you've used it, what DID you experience? - You suggested using it once a day, but would it be a good idea to use it 2-3 a day instead? I shave my head so I'm not too worried about the grease look... - Would sweat/being in the sun affect the outcome of minoxodil, or damage my current hair? - When could I expect results, (which also factors into my first questino, what results can I expect?) Thanks guys - any last comments about me not wanting to use Propecia would be appreciated, as I was supposed to pick up my bloodwork forms and get the prescription today. Worth the risk, am I over-reacting? I've heard a lot more good things about Propecia than the rest, but the side effects are nuts.
  8. You guys suggested I start using liquid minoxodil in my previous post once a day - because I had said I didn't want to deal with the side effects of Propecia... (a possible permenant decrease in lebito... no thanks.) So I'm 99% I can buy/deal with the liquid minoxodil as needed. I also stated that I'm young and my hair loss is just starting to get worse, so you also suggested that minoxodil is a good route for the beginning of hair loss. I just have a couple questions before I start: - What can I expect? Does liquid minoxodil only help 'keep what I have,' or have any of you had actual regrowth from it alone? - If you've used it, what DID you experience? - You suggested using it once a day, but would it be a good idea to use it 2-3 a day instead? I shave my head so I'm not too worried about the grease look... - Would sweat/being in the sun affect the outcome of minoxodil, or damage my current hair? - When could I expect results, (which also factors into my first questino, what results can I expect?) Thanks guys - any last comments about me not wanting to use Propecia would be appreciated, as I was supposed to pick up my bloodwork forms and get the prescription today. Worth the risk, am I over-reacting? I've heard a lot more good things about Propecia than the rest, but the side effects are nuts.
  9. I'm convinced that eventually, hair loss will be a simple 'illness' to cure. I think we'll reach a point where hair rejuvination will be as simple as skin rejuvination - getting rid of acne. What I'm not convinced of however, is whether or not we'll see the solution in OUR lifetime. I just don't understand why we can clearly see the reasons we lose our hair - but can't 100% stop it. I'm no scientist or doctor, but if you pin-point what's making the hair fall out - why can't you inject or re-supply what you would need to stop that process, and regrow more?
  10. *Thanks for the quick replies guys - every piece of info I get my hands on will help. I'm still unsure what to do - but you've sparked some new questions. - I want to talk results. From Rogain Foam to monoxodil - have any of you personally used these on a daily basis and got solid results? It sounds like the 'liquid minoxodil' would be a good thing to try - because I actually shave my head, (like most hair-loss sufferers,) - so I don't think the 'greasy' look would be much of an issue. - You mentioned to apply the minoxodil in the evenings. Would it make sense that 'overkilling' and appyling it 2-3 times a day would HELP - or would that most likely have a worse effect from over-exposure? - How much is the liquid minoxodil, US dollars? Also, does the liquid minoxodil help KEEP WHAT I HAVE, or actually result in re-growth? - Re-growth and 'mainting what I have' are two seperate things. I'd like re-grow my thinning areas - what's best for re-growth as opposed to maining? Is re-growth even realitic with anything, (including propecia.) ? *Thanks again - You don't understand how good it feels to chat with people who CARE. I try to talk to family members, friends, and they think I'm insane and never want to listen. Even worse - they never want to actually LOOK. I'm sure we all deal with this...
  11. I'm currently 23 years old, and I'm litterally one day away from picking up my first prescription of Propecia. I was psyched to get this prescribed by my doctor, but I'm now confused as to whether I want to start this medication or not. My Backgruond: My father and older brother have the same hairloss I see myself starting to develop. It's fading back pretty deep on the left and right side in the FRONT, and although my crown is doing good - I know it's only a matter of time before that starts going on me too. The difference between my father/older brother and me is, they hit puberty a lot earlier in life than I did. They both tell me, "you have WAY more hair than I did at 23," - but to me, it only makes sense that my thinning hair kick-started a few years later. This is where I'm at - I'm not completely losing a ton yet, but it's thinning - which honestly looks just as bad. I can see what I'm going to lose, and it sucks as much as it does for any man out there. I've already lost about 3 cenimeters on the left and right side above my forhead - and if it stopped right there, I could deal with it - but I know it won't. I can see it thinning on both sides up the side of my head, and the time to act is now. - But how!? I'm not sure what's worth trying, and what could actually work for me. The reason I jumped into a dermotologist and shot for Propecia is because most people said, "hey - you should start while you're young to keep what you have that's thick." But not I'm reading articles about impotence - and check this out: When I got a small 1 week sample of Propecia from the dermotologist, I think I was already experiencing problems with 'decreased lebito." This is why I metioned, I'm not sure if I want to start using it all - not to mention, I still have NO idea how much it costs. If it's $100-$150 a month, that's way more than I can afford. I can afford that, but that's comparable to a car payment... A bill I can't possibly expect to pay for life. - Also, I was told Propecia IS for life, so that's kind of a turn-off too, unless it works with zero side effects. *What do you guys recommend based on my stories? My backs to the wall, and I feel like I need to start something that'll work NOW, while the majority on the top of my head is still in-tact. I deal with the mirror issues I've seen a lot of you mention - one mirror looks decent, while another hi-lites every angle of my thinning hair. Now I'm getting to a point though where the thinning is real, worse, and showing up in ANY light. What can I do - or better yet, what do you guys recommend??? I figure you'll tell "nobody can predict what will work for you," - but at a message board like this with frequent and experienced posters, I figured you could atleast give me like a "top 3" list of things that typically have good results. Thanks a million - my hair depends on it lol.
  12. I'm currently 23 years old, and I'm litterally one day away from picking up my first prescription of Propecia. I was psyched to get this prescribed by my doctor, but I'm now confused as to whether I want to start this medication or not. My Backgruond: My father and older brother have the same hairloss I see myself starting to develop. It's fading back pretty deep on the left and right side in the FRONT, and although my crown is doing good - I know it's only a matter of time before that starts going on me too. The difference between my father/older brother and me is, they hit puberty a lot earlier in life than I did. They both tell me, "you have WAY more hair than I did at 23," - but to me, it only makes sense that my thinning hair kick-started a few years later. This is where I'm at - I'm not completely losing a ton yet, but it's thinning - which honestly looks just as bad. I can see what I'm going to lose, and it sucks as much as it does for any man out there. I've already lost about 3 cenimeters on the left and right side above my forhead - and if it stopped right there, I could deal with it - but I know it won't. I can see it thinning on both sides up the side of my head, and the time to act is now. - But how!? I'm not sure what's worth trying, and what could actually work for me. The reason I jumped into a dermotologist and shot for Propecia is because most people said, "hey - you should start while you're young to keep what you have that's thick." But not I'm reading articles about impotence - and check this out: When I got a small 1 week sample of Propecia from the dermotologist, I think I was already experiencing problems with 'decreased lebito." This is why I metioned, I'm not sure if I want to start using it all - not to mention, I still have NO idea how much it costs. If it's $100-$150 a month, that's way more than I can afford. I can afford that, but that's comparable to a car payment... A bill I can't possibly expect to pay for life. - Also, I was told Propecia IS for life, so that's kind of a turn-off too, unless it works with zero side effects. *What do you guys recommend based on my stories? My backs to the wall, and I feel like I need to start something that'll work NOW, while the majority on the top of my head is still in-tact. I deal with the mirror issues I've seen a lot of you mention - one mirror looks decent, while another hi-lites every angle of my thinning hair. Now I'm getting to a point though where the thinning is real, worse, and showing up in ANY light. What can I do - or better yet, what do you guys recommend??? I figure you'll tell "nobody can predict what will work for you," - but at a message board like this with frequent and experienced posters, I figured you could atleast give me like a "top 3" list of things that typically have good results. Thanks a million - my hair depends on it lol.
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