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Need opinions on my hair transplant (1-6 months post-op)


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  • Regular Member

So i just posted my journal and had a few questions. Just so you know, i realize this is not really the time to determine my outcome but 6 months down the line.... I would appreciate any information given.


1- does this look typical of a 6 month post-op transplant result?

2- I don't see much improvement thus far. Will this thicken up/grow some?

3- I have checked numerous mirrors over time and it seems that some mirrors make me look real bad and some make me look good (among different lighting conditions as well). Which one do i believe?

4- I don't see any new hairs growing. Are new hairs supposed to be obvious?

5- Pre op pics (taken the day before my second surgery) portray 2100 grafts implanted 7 years ago. 6 months ago i did 2000 grafts. Based on peoples experience here.... Would i see a dramatic improvement in the next 6 months or do you think it will get just slightly thicker? I know everyone grows different so this question is kinda mute and hard to answer but I'm open to any opinions.



Here is my journal with pictures

Hair Restoration Site for Trooper

Thanx in advance.

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  • Senior Member

I'm surprised to hear you say that you don't see any new hairs growing because I think I see quite a bit of new growth when I compare your 6 month pic to your pre-2nd HT pics. I think all of your concerns are common (i.e, mirrors, lighting, density etc..). It doesn't look like you're one of those lucky early growers, but I certainly wouldn't say there's any need for major concern at this point. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I see a lot of thin, wispy new hairs in your 6 month pics which is what you'd expect at this stage.

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