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24 years old - NW3 (i think) - any recommendations?


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Just joined the forum and its great to know theres many people in the same boat as me! I'm 24 and I've been thinning for the last 2 years, and its only really in the past 2-3 months i've started taking minox 5% and propecia.


I know I'm thinking about other measures way too early (I believe you're supposed to get results 3 - 6 months in right?), but I'm just worried that if I don't act sooner, it'll get worse and worse - at which point getting surgery would be that much more obvious!!


At the moment I take weekly photos. Lol pretty obsessive i know!


Anyway basically I'd like to know your advice - attached are some photos after week 1 and then week 7 (note, week 7 i had a side part, its not getting very thin in the middle - yet! ). not really any difference, but i think thats to be expected. But in my situation, would you hold out on non surgical solutions, or should i bite the bullet early and go ahed with a FUE transplant?


But im very concious of the fact that its kinda rare to regrow temple hair loss with non surgical methods...


Any suggestions or recommendations are very welcome, its great to be part of a welcoming online community.





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  • Senior Member

Well, you definitely are showing signs of continued thinning down the road, so a HT might be premature at your age. You might want to rebuild the temples (I'd do so conservatively), but you must keep in mind you will be destined for more HT surgeries.


Stay on the meds for at least one year, and in the meantime do as much research as possible to understand HTs. Just try not to get overly consumed and enjoy your 20s as much as possible--they go quickly!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Believe it or not, you are doing exactly what you should be at the moment - utilizing preventive, proven therapies like minoxidil/Rogaine and finasteride/Propecia. At your age, these are going to help stabilize your hair loss and make transplantation a feasible option at a later date. In my opinion, you should continue utilizing the medications, see how your loss stabilizes and/or progresses, and consider a hair transplant a little further down the road, when it's more certain that your hair loss won't drastically change. Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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