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UK people, opinions please?

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Hello All,


After doing much reading on this forum iv finaly decided to get involved icon_smile.gif


Iv been receeding at the front for sometime and the idea of getting a transplant has been on my mind for some time. Im 30 years old and i really dont wish to shave my hair off in 2 or 3 years time.


Went to the hospitalgroup last year and was very unmpressed with the hard sale and no information on the actual sergion. After reading a little about them on here i decided to stay clear.


Had a brief chat with spex who was very freindly and helpfull and we arranged to meet but unfortunetly i was unable to do so due to other commitments but am hoping to arrange another meeting.


I have not even considerd medicane or drugs as research tells me that it is (a) not garentied to restore hair and (B) even when it does work it does not work for everyone. Given the costs, to me it would make more sence to pay more money for a garentied proceedure like a transplant than risk waisting money for somthing that may not work and then you would need a transplant anyway.


So this looks like the best place to start my research. My 1st question is this.... exacly why does the UK (not exacly a 3rd world country) come with such a bad reputation when it comes to this issue? Is it simply down to poor surgeons or equipment?

2nd, DR Farjo... I understand that they are recomended by this site as being the best in the UK but how do i get independent research NOT from anyone assosiated with them or againts them?


3rd question, The scar on the back of the head....If the surgery is carried out correctly then just how noticable would this be if there was no hair to cover it up.


4th and final question for the time being, once my dicision is made, how quickly can i get the surgery done, is the a long waiting list?



My 5th question is more toungue and cheek but its something i did ask the guy at the hospital group and he was stumped to give me an answer but would be intresting to get your views .... If hair transplants really do work then why do wealthy bald men exist? icon_smile.gif hehe



any advice would be greatly apriciated.

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Hello All,


After doing much reading on this forum iv finaly decided to get involved icon_smile.gif


Iv been receeding at the front for sometime and the idea of getting a transplant has been on my mind for some time. Im 30 years old and i really dont wish to shave my hair off in 2 or 3 years time.


Went to the hospitalgroup last year and was very unmpressed with the hard sale and no information on the actual sergion. After reading a little about them on here i decided to stay clear.


Had a brief chat with spex who was very freindly and helpfull and we arranged to meet but unfortunetly i was unable to do so due to other commitments but am hoping to arrange another meeting.


I have not even considerd medicane or drugs as research tells me that it is (a) not garentied to restore hair and (B) even when it does work it does not work for everyone. Given the costs, to me it would make more sence to pay more money for a garentied proceedure like a transplant than risk waisting money for somthing that may not work and then you would need a transplant anyway.


So this looks like the best place to start my research. My 1st question is this.... exacly why does the UK (not exacly a 3rd world country) come with such a bad reputation when it comes to this issue? Is it simply down to poor surgeons or equipment?

2nd, DR Farjo... I understand that they are recomended by this site as being the best in the UK but how do i get independent research NOT from anyone assosiated with them or againts them?


3rd question, The scar on the back of the head....If the surgery is carried out correctly then just how noticable would this be if there was no hair to cover it up.


4th and final question for the time being, once my dicision is made, how quickly can i get the surgery done, is the a long waiting list?



My 5th question is more toungue and cheek but its something i did ask the guy at the hospital group and he was stumped to give me an answer but would be intresting to get your views .... If hair transplants really do work then why do wealthy bald men exist? icon_smile.gif hehe



any advice would be greatly apriciated.

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  • Senior Member

Meds - propecia is effective at preventing further hair loss in 90% of men and causes significant regrowth for many. Hair tranplants are about supply and demand. If you lose more hair you will have more demand but no more supply so most people try to restrict further hair loss via meds. Some however, are concerned about the risks of medication so don't do it.


1. No idea

2. You'll have to make up your own mind, asking to meet several former patients could help although they are likely to put you in touch with happy patients. Still you will be seeing real results. Maybe try to find some other farjo patients directly.

3. With no hair it would be very noticeable, but depending on a number of factors the likelihood is that shaving to a #4 would hide it. You might get away with a #3 or if you are very lucky a #2.

4. Depends on surgeon, waiting lists of 2 months seem to be standard. BUT, don't rush into this, it is a one-way street and there is no going back. You should research thoroughly and make sure you are totally comfortable with your decision. Many recommend a minimum of 6 months serious research to make sure, as best as possible, you have thought about everything involved.

5. Good question Some people are cool with losing their hair or at least come to terms with it. Many don't know what can be done. For some it can look good, especially guys with darker skin, nice shaped heads and good physiques.

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2nd, DR Farjo... I understand that they are recomended by this site as being the best in the UK but how do i get independent research NOT from anyone assosiated with them or againts them?




I'll leave it to others to address some of your other questions. However, i wanted to address the above.


Ultimately, it is up to you to research a multitude of resources and draw your own conclusions. Unfortunately, there's been a lasting dogma that nobody can get a good hair transplant in the UK. Historically speaking, there was a lot of truth to this. However, a select few UK clinics have risen to the challenges and adopted the latest techniques in hair restoration, the Farjos of whom in my opinion, are the leaders.


The dogma that one can't get a quality hair transplant in the UK has changed amongst the majority who have seen the indisputable evidence on this site that the Farjos are producing ultra refnied results on par with the leading surgeons in North America.


You can find plenty of information on this site about the Farjo clinic including patient posted testimonies and results, clinic posted photo examples, Pat Hennessey's (publisher of the Hair Transplant Network) review, visit with and observations of the Farjos and their staff in live surgery, etc.


There is nothing wrong with flying to North America or other regions to get a quality hair transplant. After all, we all have our personal preferences. However, in my opinion, no longer does one have to fly out of the UK to get a natural looking hair transplant.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Hi komp,


If you still have a lot of native hair then it's highly recommended to take Finasteride even if you have a HT. This will reduce the risk for further HTs. If Finasteride is halting your loss then it is working, only a small minority are lucky to get regrowth.


As for choosing a surgeon, research is the key.

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  • Senior Member

Hello komp. Welcome to the boards, from a fellow Brit.


Well done for avoiding the Hospital Group. I had a close shave with them myself.


My own tips:


- You're young. I recommend trying the meds - particularly propecia/finasteride - for at least a year. If (like me) you are receding from the front, rogaine/minoxidil may be of limited use to combat loss around the temple area, but personally I have found propecia best at protecting the crown.


- Consider buzzing down your hair. You never know, it might suit you!


- Try hard to keep really trim, fit and healthy for at least a year - see how it impacts upon your self-esteem.


- Research, research and research - work through this site, look at the results, check out the blogs. If meds only take you so far, if you think the buzz doesn't work, if your confidence can't improve from other efforts, then an HT might be the way forward.


- Remember, and this is fundamental, that everyone is different and the success of an HT depends upon an individual patient's physiology.


- Don't let location be a barrier. Be prepared to travel far to see the right doc for you.


- Avoid the hair mills at all costs. Go for a coalition doc.


There are some fabulous tips here:



Now your five questions:


1. My guess is that the market for HTs developed in North America and so, commercially, it has had a head start over the rest of the world. Europe lags behind but a combination of demand and increasing competition means that it will eventually catch up. Same as in many walks of life.


2. This site is an impartial source of information about all clinics. Don't confuse a person's good experience with a clinic with an 'association' or their bad experience with an 'agenda' - you will generally be able to tell which is which. Many on this site (e.g. Balody) have had very positive experiences with the Farjos and have no formal association. In my book, that counts as some independent research. But you need to go further: go beyond the clinic's website, try to meet patients, etc. Contact Mick from Farjo via this site if you wish; he and Spex and all the legitimate clinics have great respect for each other.


3. I agree with imissthebarber.


4. It varies from clinic to clinic. Speaking purely personally, a short waiting list implies (to me at least) that the clinic is less in demand, and that may be for a reason! That said, even the very best and in-demand clinics can fit people in at short notice in the event of a cancellation.


5. It's a bit like asking why any person of moderate income still wears spectacles if he/she can afford corrective eye surgery. We are all individuals and any elective surgical procedure is a huge decision for each individual to take after weighing up the pros and cons. I think there are at least three other reasons. First, some men look great with shaved heads. Secondly, and let's be honest here, some people are more vain than others. Thirdly (and not necessarily connected to the second), not all people find that hair loss impacts upon their self-esteem in the same way.


Good luck.

17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


My Hair Loss Website

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Many Thanks for your opinions and info. It seems that there is alot of research for me to do still.




I would say at this stage i am still thinking that a transplant would be more beneficial to me than meds but as you all say, its a no way back procedure so i have to do more research before comming to a conclusion.


I will keep you updated with how i get on icon_smile.gif


many thanks again.

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