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It is late 2010! Any updates on BHT?

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Being one of the cursed with a lot of body hair, but a scantily clad scalp, I have been following the body hair to head hair transplant trend now and again. I am surprised that there are still such few WOW results out there (although I am glad there are a few WOW results). By now, you would think that surgeons such as Dr. P and Dr. U and Dr. W and Dr. C would have a good idea of what types of body hairs give reliable results when transplanted to the scalp.


I would guess that beard hair is the best hair to transplant to the head for most hirsute bald people, but is their a consensus on this in 2010?


Any people here had mostly or entirely BHTs and are happy with their results?



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You are blessed with body hair?

Can I ask you this? Are you on Propecia or any kind of DHT inhibiting medication?

In my case, these medications drastically reduced my bodyhair - it was a good thing in one respect, but bad i another, because I invested in BHT, to some degree of success I must say.

My impression of it at this stage is this. And WARNING, I am no expert (even though I think I am..:) lol) BHT went through a kind of bubble-'n-bust cycle in the early '00s, like the .com boom of the late '99. But what surfaced from all this? And it is NOT an easy question to answer because of the paucity of evidence. (I actually got fired, I mean, eh- banned, from HLH because I stated my honest opinion about this at one time) If the following list of points simply is a matter of telling u how to 'boil an egg' then, well, sorry...

1) BHT works in a technical sense. Hair grows. I have evidence on my own scalp, in scar tissue too.

2) BHT doesn't work aesthetically. My definition of this is the following. It doesn't create the illusion of density in a way that mimics nature to the naked eye. Why this is, is another matter to discuss - and quite possibly interesting to hair nerds like us

3) BHT and Beard HT should not be mixed... Facial hair should be called another acronym, let's call it FHT for now.

4) FHT is awesome. One whisker counts for 1.5 to 2 hairs in the crown. One BHT counts for 0.25!! That's it - you need four chest hairs to mimic the effect of one single scalp hair. Why four? It's a rough figure, but let's say two factors make it so. a) Thinner caliber of BHT and b) Longer dormant phase of body hair


So what has progressed?

I'm not sure anything has in terms of BHT itself. FHT has been a resounding success. BHT has been proven to help, 'soften'. Take a look at my good buddy, 'Sofarsogood'. There is no doubt his hairline has improved. But as for density, I have my doubts. Frankly, the crispy, wrinkly and wispy BHT transplants I've seen so far, on naked scalps have done wonders to hide the gothic-horror works of art of the 80s scalp reductions, but not much else. Oh..and a video or pic can make anything look decent.

What is better is the skill level base and extraction technology of the top clinics.

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  • Regular Member

Hi scar thanks for the response. So do you take Finasteride daily? After how many months on it did you see a reduction in your body hair? Did you see a reduction in beard hair too? What area of the body did you see a decrease in body hair? Did Finasteride reduce your body hair that was transplanted to the scalp?


So was beard hair for you as good as moustache (whisker) hair? How many grafts of beard and body hair have you had transplanted to your scalp?


Thanks for your update.

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