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HT Concerns

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I've been checking into getting a HT. My hairline is receeding and it's thinning at the top near the crown. I have two concerns, one is I've been told I need around 2000 grafts. If I get my hairline back and fill in the top what will happen in the future when I start to lose more at the top and some of the sides. Will I end up with a 3 or 4" hairline in the front and a thin strip down the middle and need another HT.

Second, I'm concerned about the donor strip scar. It doesn't do any good to have my hair in the front and have a long thin scar that's noticeable in the back.

I've see videos and pictures, but they are always running a comb through the hair and I can't tell what the scar looks like with the hair just laying normal or wet.


It looks like the recovery period after the operation can be long. I'm thinking about how long does it take to where you don't have to wear a hat and there's no more redness and the donor scar isn't noticeable.


Still trying to decide and any help would be appreciated.

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Your concerns are valid but, to a large degree, you can avoid these pitfalls by choosing a skilled and ethical hair restoration physician like those recommended here.


Your physician will evaluate your hair and help you to form a long-term plan that takes into account future hair loss. For most of us that plan involves getting on and staying on Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) in an attempt to sway the odds of keeping our native hair in our favor. While these treatments are FDA approved and clinically proven to help slow or reverse hair loss, the only way to know if they'll work for you is to use them.


In the hands of a skilled surgeon, donor scars are virtually invisible with hair clipped as short as a 1/2" in most cases. If your donor area is so thin that it won't cover your scar then you are probably not a candidate for hair restoration surgery anyway.


The recovery period after hair transplant surgery varies from patient to patient. How detectable your hair transplant is after surgery depends upon many factors including your skin tone, degree of hair loss and characteristics of native hair. For me the pinkness lasts up to three months. For others, only a few weeks.


For answers to your questions that are tailored to your specific needs and characteristics, I recommend that you consult our list of prescreened quality hair restoration physicians and schedule a free online consultation.


All the best!


David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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