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Uninterested Dermatologist Perscribed me Proscar


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So I go into a derm's office and tell him my worry about receeding and he does not even look at my hair and perscribes me generic Proscar at 5 mg....so I started taking it. I only have minituration at the temples (that I can tell). I also have Cutis Verticus Gyrata which means basically I have a wrinkled scalp....so I am very interested in keeping my hair and I do not think that this condition is helpful. That said...I really do not want to have a transplant but depending on how my thinning progresses....I could make a decision to have some work done. My goal is to stop any hair loss progression. Also....I have not had very much change in my hair in the last 5 years but I thik this is a little more than maturation....but did not want to sit around and wait for it...I have a family history of baldness in about 1/2 of my family.


Back to the story...I am taking the finasteride now and have a couple questions...


Looking at my pics do you think that was a good call...meaning would you have started if you were me? Again, the derm did not even look at me.


Is cutting the generic proscar as effective as Propecia? I am a little worried a bout a bottle lasting 4 months....meaning is it still effective keeping that long.


Finally, any other suggestions? ....oh yeah...I started using Nizoral 1% 3 days a week as well....just doing what I can to maintain...ya know...



I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I think starting it was a good call. You do have early signs of hairloss.


Are you pre-cutting all of the pills and then storing them? That's the only reason I can think of for why you'd be worried about them lasting. I think most users just cut them when needed. That's what I do. That said, I don't think that they'll degrade at all.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


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I agree with mattj, you made the right decision to start finasteride. The medication is much better at preserving existing hair than regrowing or restoring miniaturized hair.


My generic Proscar is good for one year. I cut a week's worth at a time and put them in one of those pill organizers that has a compartment for each day of the week. If I didn't do that I'd never be able to keep track of when I took my pill.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


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Thanks for the replies guys. I am cutting one pill at a time...so I should be good on the degrading.


My hair is wet in those pics but I am definately starting to receed....I doubt I would ever be "bald" anyway since I am about to be 32 and have a pretty full head....but I plan on keeping as much as possible. I think I was headed towards the Kevin Spacey look eventually.


I just wanted to hear someone else say that I made the right call...cause my wife said I was being stupid.


Taking this may even make me healther because I also started taking vitamins and fish oil (bad cholesterol).

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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