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Gemini1 and Gemini2 at 11 Months Post-Op


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Hey There, Forum Readers--


This is Peter ("Gemini2") checking in again, on behalf of myself and my twin brother, Paul ("Gemini1")...


Pretty exciting news this month!


We are now at the 11-Month Mark, and we have to say that, as we start to approach the one-year-anniversary of our procedures, we have new evidence that makes us ever-increasingly optimistic that our ultimate-results will be quite, quite good!


In just in the past two-weeks, we have both begun to experience a slightly more evident, and definitely noticeable increase in health and density of the transplanted hairs, as well as our overall hair as a whole...While I have returned to 5% minoxidil use, (in addition to our daily finesteride), and this could also certainly be a factor, Paul has NOT yet, and yet he is seeing a similar slight, but noticeable increase, too...! This is the really some of the first truly noticeable increase in density in some time, and is so, so encouraging-especially this "late" in the game...


As you know from our previous posts, we BOTH had our procedures done on the same day with Dr. Hasson, and because of incredibly tight scalp-laxity in both of us, we weren't able to get the higher yield of grafts either one of us had hoped for with a mega-session (Paul got about 2800 and I got about 3200).


This, along with a couple of stubbornly troublesome "patchy" areas, have really been concerning us the past few months, and though we have remained optimistic, we were concerned that ultimately the final results might not be what we had hoped originally going into our procedures.


While the lower-yields have certainly made us have to re-adjust our expectations, we have been trusting that Dr. H's expertise and artistry would provide us with the best results that we could possibly have hoped for with the numbers we had...


The ever-increasing health/density (even from 10.5 months to 11 months!) that we are seeing is hopeful evidence that our ongoing Trust and Faith in Dr. Hasson is WELL-placed! If we continue to experience the maturation of density and fullness over the next 6 months that we have in the past two weeks, AND the lighter and "patchier" areas continue to fill in as it seems they FINALLY may have begun to, we expect to be very satisfied patients indeed!


As always, for pics of our progress, as well as more specific details of our individual experiences, please visit our Personal Hair Blogs ("Gemini1" and "Gemini2" respectively...!)


Stay Tuned...!

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He is referring to his Hair Restoration Website hosted by the Hair Transplant Network.


Here are the link to their sites:

Gemini1's Hair Restoration Site

Gemini2's Hair Restoration Site




I encourage you to add links to your patient websites in your signatures. Click here for directions


All the best!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Great results, I have a questions if you don't mind, what was the reason for for H&W to create a hairline without temple closure? I'm sure there was a reason for it and I'm not knocking the doc (I think he did a fantastic job), was just curious :)

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Hey, "HairDew,"


Thanks for your question...


Yes, we had both definitely hoped for temple-closure as well on our procedures...


Very unfortunately for us, because of our unusually tight scalps/lack of laxity, the doc was only able to get a little over half of the grafts (2800 for Paul, 3200 for me, instead of the 4000-5000+) we were hoping for in this first-pass... We had to make a call in the moment whether we wanted more coverage (i.e. lower, temple angles) but with less density overall, or less coverage (i.e. higher hairline, much-higher temples) but considerably more density... We opted for the latter--it was just kind of a judgement call in the moment...


But yes, this lack of enough to close at the temples is definitely where we have a bit of regret/disappointment, but of course all of that was essentially out of the docs hands, and every month we are increasingly excited about our results...!


Hope this helps...!

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We asked about this--depends upon if/when/how much our scalps relax, and if there's enough laxity there eventually (we would do scalp exercises, wait a year or so, etc.) to be able to harvest enough grafts to make it worth doing another procedure--We certainly would like to hope "another pass" might give us the "full result" we had hoped for going in, but wouldn't want to risk any danger of permanently tight scalp, nerve damage, etc...but yes, it's a possibility... We'll just have to see where we are when we return for our 1-year+ follow up...! Will keep you posted...!

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