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Hi Guys,


I used to use PROSCAR about 4 years ago along with minoxidil 5% and I had 30% improvement on hair loss condition within a year(I was very, very happy). After a year I stopped using PROSCAR (thinking Minox would do a job alone retaining existing hair) and have been using Minoxidil since.


From the time I stopped using PROSCAR I have lost 10 - 15% gains I had with when using PROSCAR (very unhappy and have been getting a few unpleasant stares at my head lately).


When I comb my hair the most hair that is falling out is fine thin hair.

My question is: if I start using PROSCAR again would I be able to regain (thicken up) existing hair again.


Please guys take a couple of minutes to answer my concern as I am sure quite few of you have had similar problem.


Is revita shampoo any good for hair loss?

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Im not 100% sure you will get back your regrowth having never taken a spell from proscar but regardless... your only move is to get back onto Proscar ASAP. With some luck your hair will thicken up again! I hope it works out for you. Let us know how it goes in a few months time.


I would also recomend adding Nizoral 2% shampoo if you arnt already using it. This stuff is great at strenthening and thicken hair as well as greatly improving scalp condition

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  • Senior Member



Because you have been off of Proscar for so long, you have experienced catch up hair loss. At this point, your hair is probably where it would have been had you never taken the drug in the first place.


Since hair loss is progressive and you are now balder than you were the first time you started taking Proscar, it is unlikely that you will regain what you had before. But, TJ84 has given you great advice. If you want to preserve what you have and perhaps see some improvement, you should get back on finasteride as soon as possible.


While it's not possible to predict what your results will be starting back on the drug, it's fairly easy to predict what will happen if you don't.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

Ive been on Proscar (Propecia) for 14yrs along with 10yrs of Rogaine and the rest of my vitamin routine. Proscar works differently for different people. Some it stops hair loss, some it slows it down (my case), and some it actually regrows.

Every 4-5 months, I stop Propecia for 4 wks to cleanse my system and "SHOCK" my system, then resume-- I've never had a problem. So If you start back, I would assume given your previous experience and scalp reactions, that you probably would at least stop/slow down the HL-- as far as regrow-- that will be subjective by person.

Good luck.


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  • Regular Member

I can not believe that only 3 people have answered my question!

I am 100% sure that some of you have had similar experience like me!

C'mon guys putting in a few words won't harm you!

This is meant to be hair loss help forum and lift your game guys!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I'd been on Proscar and regaine foam for 2 years with good results. Hair was thicker and hair loss stopped.


I then decided to give Proscar a break, "cleanse my body" and maybe reduce drug intolerance. About 1 month after stopping, hairs started shedding big time.


I quickly went back on proscar and it took well over another month before the sheds slowed.


For me, stopping Proscar was not a good experience.

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Hey Guys,


Since finasteride is known to shrink the prostate, I was wondering if anyone has noted a change in their ejaculation consistency. The prostate secretes part of the milky-like fluid of semen, and if the prostate in fact shrinks with finasteride use, does this change the fluid?

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Yes, for a lot of guys (including me) the ejaculate becomes watery. This is the only long lasting side effect I've had but I can live with it.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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