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7.5 Month Update

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As posted in my blog, I only have one concern. I'll wake from time to time with a discomfort/tightness in my donor area from my last HT. I still have a little numbness in a small area, though the numbness from the first 2 was gone within 2-3 months --- I know that the numbness issue varies a lot from patient to patient.


I'm going to not worry too much as this point about the numbness, but since this intermittent tightness/discomfort wasn't an issue in the past with the 2 previous HTs, I'm going to contact Dr Panine's office office.


Other than that, no regrets about having HT procedures.



here's my old profile with before/after and 3 month updates:



Here's my newer profile on the updated website forum with the 7.5 month updated pics


Edited by SharpTooth
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Hey T -- Thanks for the comment. And yea, Dr Panine was focused on adding density to the area above that thinned out area. I had asked him to also lower the hairline --that's the thinner area you've seeing. So either additional hair will grow in to fill in that area, or if i opt for one more HT, i'll ask to have the hairline filled in more.

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Very nice improvement in the crown. Like Tsakalos said, the hairline is a bit thin but I'm sure you've got quite a bit of improvement to come.


It's not over yet!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Sharptooth thanks for posting your 71/2 month update, everything is starting to look good the crown filled in nicely and like you mentioned we did bring the hair line down slightly where there was no hair but consentrated more on adding density behind the hairline which also has appeared to thicken up quite nicely. You will continue to get more improvement over the next 4-6 months. I have discussed your concerns about numbness and tightness with Dr. Panine. He feels that the smaller the area of involvement, the better is prognosis for complete resolution. Tightness and numbness can last up to 12 months after surgery and are more prevalent with each subsequent procedure, especially after surgery 3, 4, etc. Small area of involvement is encouraging, though, as these tend to resolve completely. For patients who want faster results, Dr. Panine sometimes offers injection of Kenalog and/or Botox to resolve unpleasant symptomatology. He would be willing to do this for you when you are in town. Again thanks for updating for results and I look forward to seeing the results in another 4-6 months.

I am employed as the patient coordinator and office manager for Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic. Feel free to ask me any questions.


Dr. Panine is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be interperted as medical advice

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By the way -- i wear my hair kind of parted to the side with the bangs falling over that thinner area. But the great things is that not only is it covered, that added density has really added lift to my hair which has been great.


Thanks Plunge for the comment. Hope your own growing is going great!

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