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Better to Lose Long Bulbed Hairs or Short Fine Minaturized Hairs?

Big Jack

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Is it better to be losing long hairs with the bulbs or the short thin and minaturized hairs?


Originally, my hair loss started with a noticeable loss of the small, thinner, weaker hairs. This prompted me to use propecia. Due to the side effects, I stopped use of the propecia several months ago after only a short duration.


For the past few weeks, I have noticed that I am not losing the small, weak, fine hairs as much. Instead, I seem to be losing the long, dark, thick hairs with the bulb.


I changed my lifestyle and routine. I take more time to de-compress after stressful situations, sleep and exercise more, eat more fruits and vegetables, and switched to organic shampoos. I also massage my head with lavendar oils a couple of times a week and use egg white every 10 days or so.


Anyone have any thought?


Thanks in advance!

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  • Senior Member

Losing your hair is normal and not a sign of baldness. Losing thick hairs is good but losing thin, weak hairs is bad because it illustrates the fact that your hair is going through MPB and that as those thin, weak hairs fall, they will come back even more thinner and weaker and eventually will disappear.

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